I’ve been thinking a lot about the Immolator for the past week, especially if GRRM were the DM.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Immolator for the past week, especially if GRRM were the DM.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Immolator for the past week, especially if GRRM were the DM.

Someone on reddit posted questions about the Firebender base move… Zuka… No, Zuko Style. I decided to write two little moves that were terrible versions of advanced moves that I wanted your thoughts on. Too powerful? Unbalanced? Removes utility of other moves?


Melisandre stared intently at the bonfire where the heretics screamed in agony. “I command the flames to show me the shape and form of the man is Azor Ahai, the Prince that was Promised, the one who will destroy the Others…” She frowned. Before it had shown her King Stannis with Lightbringer, but now all it showed was snow…

(Lore of Flames with an evil sacrifice for a weak bonus: if you burn an unwilling creature alive, you can ask the creature one question before it dies. The flames will take its form and it will nod, shake its head, gesture/point/pantomime in a meaningful and truthful fashion.)

(Alternately, sacrificing a useful object like a book of maps and saying “I command the flames to point in the direction of the treasure we most desire!” could be a way to get the flames to take form and move as you desire as long as they have fuel…)

Beric Dondarrion stopped dancing the hempen jig long ago. He now dangled loosely from the hangman’s noose tight around his neck. Thoros hiccuped and swiped in the air several times with his burning sword, eventually cutting his companion down to the ground. He took a swig of firebrandy and imbued it with the flames of the Last Rites. He pressed his lips to Beric’s and breathed out with cleansing fire to send him to the Red God. However, to Thoros’ surprise, Beric lurched upwards, stepping back from Death’s Door, somehow imbued by the Last Kiss! Thoros could tell that a part of Beric was consumed as kindling, his second chance at life being fueled by a loss of humanity and a loss of his memories…

(Ogdru Jahad/Burning Bridges move with severe and twisted consequences that the players won’t like: you can save a comrade from Death’s Door but they lose all bonds, all advanced moves, and no longer gain XP.)

