Does anyone know of any PBtA games that can do warhammer40k/Starcraft? Im looking for big guns and even bigger shoulder pads against all kinds of horrible critters. A little gonzo (not Rifts gonzo) with unique tech, psionics, alien powers would be nice.
Does anyone know of any PBtA games that can do warhammer40k/Starcraft?
Does anyone know of any PBtA games that can do warhammer40k/Starcraft?
The Regiment
I think with a little re-writing, you might be surprised how well Dungeon World and Adventures on Dungeon Planet might do 40K. Fighters make good Marines, Rangers are Scout/shooty types, Paladins are Inquisitors/Grey Knights, Clerics are Imperial Preachers, etc. Considering that 40K is space fantasy anyway, it would do nicely. Take a sword, give it the messy and clumsy tags, and now it’s a CHAINSWORD!
You also might want to consider Class Warfare – it lets you build your own classes, really easily.
Hm, most the scifi PbtA flavors I’m familiar with are more exploration based. I don’t know of any off hand that model that type of game.
Vincent Baker’s Freebooting Venus might be close, though
I’ve been lagging on crossbreeding The Regiment with these two collections of notes and moves: A Commissar’s World The Deathwatch Will protect Your Worlds
This is not PbtA, and it’s not actually out quite yet, but FWIW it sounds like it has potential. Schlock Mercenary is awesome.
Endless War:
Played it in a PBF game, the rules are good.
Thanks for all the links and info. Ive got some surfing to do.
Also not PBtA, but Gregor Hutton’s RPG “3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars” is about space marines sent to wipe hostile life off of alien planets. That would be the first place I would look for inspiration or as something to hack a 40k-ish PBtA game.
Eduardo Henrique Schaeffer. Currently reading Endless War pdf. This looks pretty tight.
Tim Jensen I’ve heard about this game. Time to do more research.
3:16 is a superb game, and a great deal of fun, but it’s a deliberate subversion of the ‘Space Marines Against The Galaxy’ theme. It’s more ‘Catch-22 meets Starcraft’, rather than, ‘Let’s Be Armored Badass Heroes’. I like it, but if you just want to have fun in the 40K setting, it’s…not quite for you.
Now, all that said, it’s a fantastic game, open to lots of hacking and skinning. And really, you don’t have to play it ironic and cynical. You could play it straight, where you really are up against a galaxy of threats, determined to save humanity. Which would be a delicious subversion of 3:16’s subversion! So transgressive!
A few years ago, a poster named schlaghund put together some excellent playbooks for running both Space Marines and Imperial Guard using The Regiment. I’ll have to check and see if he’ll let me share them.
Eduardo H Schaeffer Do you still have the Endless War PDF that works? I have been searching for ages and had no luck whatsoever. Will be very appreciative if so!
Thomas Mooney Yes, I do. Here: – Endless War.pdf