We had our third session of Freebooters on the Frontier yesterday, and the PCs had a TPK within the first hour. Everybody rolled up new characters, same world but a different region, and the players spent the last half of the session running away from fights rather then charging into them.
We had our third session of Freebooters on the Frontier yesterday, and the PCs had a TPK within the first hour.
We had our third session of Freebooters on the Frontier yesterday, and the PCs had a TPK within the first hour.
What, they didn’t want to go after their dead characters’ stuff? Oh well…
“same world but a different region”
I know, I’m just kidding. And it’s nice to see players learning from their closer than near death experiences.
Still, all that stuff… just lying there… waiting…
They were all still 1st-level, so I don’t think they had more than 100 silver altogether.
Oh, well, depending what killed them, it might still be fun, some time from now, to let them face some enemy wearing the armor of one of their dead characters, or swinging one of their dead characters’ weapon
Nice idea Davide Pignedoli! They were killed by Tiamat cultists, and their bodies were stripped before being fed to baby dragons, so that would be easy to do.
My players have still not learned that lesson…
Two Magic-Users and a Fighter?!? I can’t… wait to see how this goes. Please update with news of their exploits. Also, what spells did the M-Us get?
Prismatic Veil of Sheleou & Appolu’s Sigil of Shadow (this guy rolled an 18 for INT, and used the Sigil to blind a manticore they were running away from, also used the Veil to obscure himself and the fighter when the Sigil wore off)
Yudustin’s Blood Demon & Song of Floating Venom (this guy complained that Blood Demon seemed like a simple spell and I suggested that the words Blood Demon could actually bestow an infernal rage into a target, like say the fighter – picking up a Vice in the process)
Rolling up spells is my favorite thing to do in Freebooters!