Custom Move for a character I’m putting the finishing touches on:

Custom Move for a character I’m putting the finishing touches on:

Custom Move for a character I’m putting the finishing touches on:

Dragon Blood (CON)

When you awaken the ancient powers of the dragons themselves within your blood, roll+CON and choose an effect:

• You unleash a burst of pure elemental energy in the form of DRAGON BREATH.

• Your scales change color: you become resistant to elemental or magical energy for a short period of time.

• You perform a feat of inhuman strength or fortitude.

On a 10+, your Dragon Blood responds appropriately. On a 7-9, choose one of the following:

• Your power is out of control: it causes unintended harm to others or yourself.

• Your power comes, but is weak and feeble.

• Your powers drain you, take -1 ongoing on this move until your energy is replenished.


9 thoughts on “Custom Move for a character I’m putting the finishing touches on:”

  1. I really like it overall, but there is a few things.

    The scales I don’t really get, is the race some sort of half human/ half Dragon so you have scales to begin with or do you grow scales when take option nr. 2?

    And how can your scales changing color get out of control? And harm people?

    Lastly I think I would give the -1 ongoing to CON not the move.

  2. It’s one roll for 3 different moves. Usually it would be written “When you unleash a burst of elemental energy Roll +CON…. When you change the color of your scales roll +WIS…. when you perform a feat of inhuman strength Roll+STR ….” etc. It’s actually 3 different moves tied to one roll, like a swiss army knife of moves.

    You get a breath weapon/ranged attack, a band bars/lift gate knock off and variable damage resistance with a single move. Somewhat confusing and over powered, IMHO.

    I’d break them down into seperate moves or up the cost of failures considerably.

  3. Rasmus wernersen Yes, the character has a fair amount of dragon blood in her.

    As for the options, the resistance and the harm doesn’t really work well together, good catch. The idea was to have the options reflect the iconic strengths of dragons. What other options would you recommend for effects or partial success? Dragon fear or flight for effects sounds possible, but should I change the last partial success option?

  4. Not a big fan of the second choice with the 7-9 options. It basically negates the choice you make in the first section. The third choice only gives a penalty to the dice but doesn’t advance the story at all.

    A revised example of the second half of your move would be:

    On a 10+,your Dragon Blood responds appropriately. On a 7-9,choose one of the following:

    Your power is out of control (leave it here so you have the option of damaging structures or the environment).

    Your power attracts unwanted attention.

    Your power advances your metamorphosis into a true dragon. Take – 1 ongoing until you become use to your new Form.

  5. It seems I kind of cheated, and made 3 moves into 1. and Nicholas Hopkins’s dragon form idea. I will revise this move and post an update soon.

  6. Harrison s, my revised move was an example only! Please feel free to alter to fit your story. The only point I was making is that each of those outcomes affects the narrative. The last one gives a bonus AND affects narrative. It’s a move that pushes the story and the characters in it (the PCs) to make more moves down the road.

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