Hello Tavern Dwellers,
My players and I have recently decided to start playing Dungeon World. We’ve never played a PbtA game before but the ideas appeal to us a great deal.
Just to make things even more amusing we’ve decided to record our sessions and release them as an actual play podcast as we learn the game.
Episodes 1 (mainly character creation) and 2 are online at our website or on iTunes. Going ahead I will probably aim to release episodes fortnightly (my audio editing skills are rather lacking so the process is time consuming but hopefully both quality and speed will improve with practice).
If anyone is inclined to give it a listen then I’d love to get some feedback (both on the podcast itself and if there’s anything we’re doing obviously wrong), we’re still getting to grips with the system but we’re certainly enjoying ourselves.
Hi Ben
Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventures with us, I have listen to the two first episodes with much joy.
You really succeed in drawing in the listener and keep a nice flow of things.
I’m stating a new group soon and get them to listen to you pod cast is a great way to give them an idea of the game works, what is required of them and what they can do.
So once again thanks for recording your session and putting them up for us.
Oh wow, thank you
I’m glad you enjoyed!
I have plenty more recorded but editing takes time. If you listen using a podcast client then there is a feed on the website or you can subscribe on iTunes :).