Just want to share some of my own Races and what kind of moves they have.
constructive Feedback would be awesome.
Wizard: You are connected to the Spirits of the Land. “Contact Spirits” is a Cantrip for you.
Cleric: You can Turn the Beast of the Cold Death like they were Undead.
Ranger: fresh snow doesnt hinder your Ability to track someone.
Bard: Your Songs and Tales warm those who hear them. If they Rest near you they are safe from the Cold Death.
(The Cold Death was the font of the Campaign. Its a Curse/Illness which turns you into a cold Monster)
Bard: You have “Architecture and engineering” as an additional Field of Expertise in addition to whatever you choose.
Fighter: You know where to hit or pull. Brains over Brawn. You can Roll +Int instead of +Str to lift gate bend bars.
Wizard: You are a Master of Misdirection. Once per Battle you can Dodge a direct Attack with +Cha. Your Enemy did just hit a gnomish Illusion.
Thief: If you roll a 10+ on disarming a Trap you can take it with you and use it later or fill one use of your adventuring gear with it. GMs Choice.
Fighter: Every Weapon you carry has the messy tag.
Thief: You are used to handling nasty Stuff. You are immune to all nonmagical Poisons. In Addition you can eat anything without risk of getting ill.
Ranger: You gain this Option for called Shot: Artery 10+: as 7-9 but they are taking 2 Damage instead of 1. 7-9: They take 1 Damage from Bleeding each time they act until they are healed in some way.
Cleric: You can turn Vermin like Undead.
Paladin: If you show mercy after defeating an enemy they only have the Option to flee, to kill themselves or to convert to your Faith.
Barbarian: You can Act one last time when your Hitpoints reach 0 before Rolling for last Breath.
Druid: Animals whos form you can assume have an initial attitude of respectful or fearful toward you.
Thief: You can use Tricks of the Trade with +Str instead of +Dex but not without hurting someone or destroying something.
A fighter with a bonus for using INT?!?
Yes, I feel fulfilled!!!
But int is the fighter’s dump stat!
Wynand Louw Being Smart over perfectly muscular is not a flaw. And I encourage anybody to try different stats for the classes. My player has a good charisma Fighter who not only uses it, but also takes moves like heirloom to define a unique character and my personal favorite so far.
Dumping your least used stats is for cowards and boring characters. That’s why a gnome fighter with a bonus for having INT is great to me.
Samuel Bogumill Calling people names because they’re having fun incorrectly is not especially helpful for anybody, friend.
Besides, your favorite character didn’t choose to dump the Charisma they use so often, so your critique doesn’t make much sense anyway, no?
People choose their stats based on what they want their character to be good and bad at, and what that says about their character, full stop. Wanting to be good and bad at things that line up with your class does not automatically make you a coward, nor does it make your character boring–and conversely, playing against type does not automatically make you brave or your character interesting, either. They’re entirely unrelated.
Edit: back on topic, these moves are largely pretty cool! Though if the Cold Death is basically serving the same purpose in the campaign as traditional undead creatures, I’d probably just change the Cleric to turn the former instead of the latter, rather than making it a move.
Actually, a few of the Ice Elf moves seem kind of odd; if the campaign is taking place in a cold land (and even if not), the Ranger should be able to track in the snow anyway, imo. And being immune to one of the major Fronts doesn’t strike me as particularly interesting, though I’m sure some would disagree.
Gnome moves are all pretty solid, though!
James Etheridge Ok i’m sorry if I came off as mean. But in all seriousness INT gets the worst rap for a being a dump stat to all but the wizard.
I prefer INT WIS and CHA as more character defining than the Physcial oriented STR DEX CON. Most players that picked fighter for me just opted for a “Pure Fighter” build and simply dump all the mental and personality stats.
If a fighter chose to focus on something like a bond or personal goal that’s closer to a real life ambition, I tend to connect to and usually end up being a bigger fan of the character.
Dungeon World is not D&D (4th,3rd, pathfinder) to me where unusually made or not optimized characters just flounder compared to people with builds.
Wynand Louw I’m sorry I got worked up over a simple comment.
Samuel Bogumill Thanks, thats what the intention was to me. I also remembered some cool intelligent Guys who know “breaking points” and angles and such and were able to beat really strong muscular guys in destroying things.
James Etheridge Yeah, my Idea of playing is also going for what the player wants. I had a player who maxed out Strength and Dexterity for his elf-Warrior and that was totally cool. He was able to be a nimble yet strong fighter and was highly effective in and out of combat as a physical supreme warrior. I Dungeon World at least for me, its different from DnD and such where you pretty much just max out all physical attributes to get the highest overall combat stats, its more about how you want to approach a Problem and if you want to be strong and nimble go ahead!
Regarding the Ice-Elves: Yeah i totally see your points. One of the Players was an half-elf Druid (combination of cross-class-skills) and one half was an ice-elf so i created the race after the game started. Its a bit clumsy at times because the moves would only be used if one of the main character died and got replaced by an ice-elf. I wanted to create an Option which would allow them to confront the Enemy more directly thats why most of their moves center around the Cold Death. Being Immune to it would create some interesting opportunities with NPCs who want to be safe from it, Refugees fleeing from the terror in the northern lands. The Snow tracking could be strengthened to “Ice and Snow doesnt hinder him” but that would be a bit to broad imo.
I am glad that you Guys like the Gnomes
I made also some for Goblins and Orcs and would Add them to the List if you want to take a look.
Samuel Bogumill
It was a joke… Like ” The bard always dies.”
Hide behind the Mount of Dead Bards!
See, I know what you mean, but I can’t help envisioning a zombie horse made from a bunch of stitched-together musicians.
its from “The Gamers 2”
But anyways: Do you guys like Goblins and Orcs? Could also be usable for Half-Orcs come to think of it
I’m a total goblin fan, and orcs are pretty cool too. Fire away!
i have edited them into my first post ^^
Seems relevant:
Dark Elf
Fighter: When you ambush your prey from the shadows, take +1d6 damage forward.
Thief: The effects of your poisons are doubled.
Cleric: Darkness and Shadow are the domains of your deity. When you stand in the shadows you can manipulate and form them into cloaks of darkness or even light cover against attacks.
Ranger: Add venomous to the strengths of your animal companion
Fighter: Your signature weapon is imbedded into your arm and loses 2 weight.
To disarm you, someone would have to dis-arm you.
Paladin: Your Body is made off especially strong plates. You start the game with a 3 armor, 2 weight natural armor but can’t wear armor above that. Your natural armor can’t be removed.
Ranger: Your animal companion was created just like you. Due to it’s superior programming it get’s an additional strength
Thief: Your eye lenses are special made to provide excellent view even in total darkness. You can’t be blinded or hindered in any way by darkness.
Artificer: You can use your own lifespark to power your gadgets. You may take 1d4 of damage instead of spending a Charge. One of your Gadget’s might be imbedded into your body, your choice
Fighter: When you roll a 10+ on Hack and Slash and you choose to deal extra Damage, deal an additional +1d4 damage
Rogue: When you are wielding a Mace, club, blackjack or similar weapon and you Backstab an enemy you may roll +STR (you may start with such a weapon on character creation)
Ranger: If you Hunt and Track an Enemy you have wounded and you roll a 6 or lower, treat it as a 7 instead
Cleric: Your deity demands blood, when you butcher a powerful enemy of your faith after a one on one duel, immediately gain a boon from your deity
Fighter: When you are drunk or when using your horns to gore at something, you can Hack and Slash using CON.
Cleric: When you engage in destructive revelry and everyone involved praises your deity for it, you gain a boon from them.
Bard: When you enter a place where dragonkind once lived, your call, you may ask the GM how they were ousted
Wizard: Being in the presence of a Dragon is enough to count as being in a place of power for you.
Are these yours Tim Franzke ?
Wanna trade some constructive Criticism? ^^
Goblin Ranger:
The enemy is acting all the time. As discussed elsewhere ongoing damage doesn’t really work in Dungeon World, especially not like that.
Dark Elf
Fighter: When you ambush your prey from the shadows, take +1d6 damage forward.
(I like the Idea but maybe you should just write “When you successfully ambush deal +1D6 Damage” its a bit clearer, you can of course add the first flavor part)
Thief: The effects of your poisons are doubled.
(How does this effect things like work exactly? I mean on the Bloodweed its easy, just -2d4 but on the Rest? A deep sleep? A great friend? You can roll 3 times instead of 2?
Maybe it would be more interesting to add a cool new Drow-Poison for them?)
Cleric: Darkness and Shadow are the domains of your deity. When you stand in the shadows you can manipulate and form them into cloaks of darkness or even light cover against attacks.
(Sounds really cool but how (mechanically) do you do that? Roll +Wis?)
Fighter: Your signature weapon is imbedded into your arm and loses 2 weight.
To disarm you, someone would have to dis-arm you.
(I really like that a lot
Thief: Your eye lenses are special made to provide excellent view even in total darkness. You can’t be blinded or hindered in any way by darkness.
(I am not sure i like the flavor of it. Maybe he has build in Tools or something? But a nightvision-Golem?)
Artificer: You can use your own lifespark to power your gadgets. You may take 1d4 of damage instead of spending a Charge. One of your Gadget’s might be imbedded into your body, your choice
(I would just clarify that the 1d4 damage isnt reduced by armor)
Fighter: When you roll a 10+ on Hack and Slash and you choose to deal extra Damage, deal an additional +1d4 damage
(thats really powerful. But also: it Would be 1D10+1D6+1D4. Why not just 2D10? its vers similar and much easier to get for most players)
Cleric: Your deity demands blood, when you butcher a powerful enemy of your faith after a one on one duel, immediately gain a boon from your deity.
(This sounds a bit restrictive. I mean it implies that all Gods a Half-Orc serves must be bloodthirsty or am i missing something?)
Satyr (Weird but ok ^^)
Kobold (Its both very centered around Dragons and only really usefull/Relevant in a Dragon-Centered Campaign. Is this intentional?)
Tim Franzke Goblin Ranger: hmm. I thought about that too and i think it would be reasonable for the GM to call the Shots when the Bleed “ticks”. What about changing it into “Take +1 Damage ongoing whenever hit”?
You are a mechanical being. Whether golem or steam powered man you are made of metal and gears. Describe how you were brought to life, who made you and for what original purpose.
Bard-Mechanical Knack
You automatically have the additional Bardic Lore of Technology & Gadgets in addition to whatever else you choose. Also describe how your “instrument” is incorporated into your frame.
Fighter-Just a Scratch!
When you take a blow that would kill ignore the damage and instead take a debility. Describe how your mechanical workings have been damaged. This debility can not be repaired through normal rest and you must find an appropriate craftsmen to fix it. You can not take this move again until you are repaired properly.
Paladin-A Knight of Shining Armor
Your metal casing is extra thick, +1 armor.
Ranger-My Furry Friend
Your Animal Companion is your oldest closest friend and tie to the natural world. If it is ever injured you gain a damage increase equal to it’s ferocity times 2 to whoever injured it for the remained of that battle.
Thief-Swiss Army Hand
Your off hand can easily be converted into thieves tools and as such always have them available to you. Also you have a secret compartment somewhere on your body that can carry 2 load that does not apply to regular load. Describe where it is and how you store things in it.
Wizard-If I Only Had a Brain
As a mechanical being you are immune to mind control and charm type magics. Illusions however work normally on you.
Eric Lochstampfor very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
What do you think of the other posted races?
Vincent Shine
Dark Elf Thief 2xPoison: It depends on the player. Ask them how they think it works. Its not my job to give a clear definition of how exactly it works in your game.
Dark Elf Shadow Cleric: There is no mechanic to how it works. You just do it. It’s a skill or ability you have and others don’t. Doing it might trigger a move but it has no mechanical meaning in itself.
(However 1 armor for partial cover, 2 armor for major cover as per the book)
Warforged artificer: That was implied but it could probably use the clarification.
Kobolds: This is intentional. When you pick one of these moves you are screaming: “I want Dragons in this game!” very loudly at the GM and the other players. This is deliberate.
Also the Bard moves works without dragons being there.
Half-Orc Cleric: This is the implication yes. There might be a problem with that but I think it’s okay. It makes for an interesting cleric type.
Half-ORc Fighter. Good point actually but rolling extra dice is fun. 2d10 sounds more powerful though… Mh…
Tim Franzke Half-Orc-Fighter: it actually isnt 1D10+1D6+1D4 is 3-20 Damage and 2D20 is 2-20 Damage. On everage its both around 11 so no significant difference statistical speaking. But its easier to use and looks stronger, thats why i suggested it. ^^
Overall i like your ideas a lot but i think i would use slightly different wording for a lot of them, as i mentioned
Vincent Shine
I like most of them but the 1/2 Orc Paladin move seems sort of “unpaladiny” to me. Unless your campaign has a code of honor that includes seppuku it seems weird that the paladin would show them mercy just to have them kill themselves afterwards.
Maybe change it to something like “they do not seek revenge” or “your reputation as an honorable warrior will grow”, which might make more sense in the fiction.
Eric Lochstampfor Its not halforc its actually orc. You can go halforc similar to going halfelf later in game by taking a move.
But to topic: My thoughts behind the Paladin-Move was that they have a chance to show mercy and convert enemys to their cause. Because Orc-Paladins are most likely those who converted to the good cause so it would make sense that they try to do this to their enemys too.
Thats the Main use of the Move, thats what the Paladin wants to accomplish. That the enemy gets a choice is only to get around getting allies all the time. And since he is already defeated fighting back wouldnt be appropriate. The suicide-Option is for those kinds of enemys where it wouldnt make sense that they would run or convert. Something like Demons or highly honorable Fighters.
What do you think about:
“When you show mercy to an defeated enemy he wont seek revenge in the near future. In Addition the enemy gives you a piece of useful information or converts to your Cause. GMs Choice.”
I love the orc ones!