My last thoughts on the subject of damage dice in Dungeon World. I have shared my spreadsheet in the previous threads. Below is the thing I will put on a bookmark or GM screen for my own use. It shows the median (rounded) in the middle, with a standard deviation on either side. If you go out two deviations, you are basically looking at the min/max of the die size. Knowing that, you have five no-roll damage options for each monster min, light, average, heavy, and max damage. My impulse would be to apply average damage on a 7-9 player roll and max damage on a 6- player roll, and to actually roll the damage only when it could reduce the player to 0 HP. I will likely use the light damage when it makes sense narratively: a monster is getting its ass kicked and is on its heels, is beset by multiple foes, or in combination with one of the monster’s moves. Regardless, the graphic gives me an at-a-glance way to tell how much damage a damage die configuration (especially the best of 2/worst of 2) would likely do.
Just realized you could also use this with one or two Fudge dice die. Not sure that simplifies anything though. With one die, assuming you aren’t using min/max, you roll to see if it is light, average, or heavy. With two you get five results from a double minus (min damage) to a double plus (max damage). Maybe the advantage is you wouldn’t need polyhedrals? Hmmm. Again, probably not an easier than using the polys if you are going to roll anyway.
Not much I can add or suggest at this point. Just want to say thank you again for sharing your findings and organized spreadsheets. Allot of helpful stuff in such a simple thing.
Thinking again got the better of me ha-ha. With the DD, you could put together a nice deck of damage cards, if that’s anyone’s preference.
Thank you.