One-shot variation for Bonds that I’ve added to the Tight One-Shot Guide

One-shot variation for Bonds that I’ve added to the Tight One-Shot Guide

One-shot variation for Bonds that I’ve added to the Tight One-Shot Guide

When you make a character for a one-shot, don’t write any Bonds.

When you Aid or Interfere, roll +Bond like you normally would. If you have no Bond with them, roll +nothing. After your beneficiary makes their move, write a Bond with them inspired by the outcome of the move.

(tight one-shot guide:

13 thoughts on “One-shot variation for Bonds that I’ve added to the Tight One-Shot Guide”

  1. Yeah, I kind of agree with Karlen that I use the bonds as much to get a feel for the characters and oftimes use that to inform my one-shots. “So, what con are you running with the cleric, thief? Oh, huh? Well, that’s way more interesting than a dungeon crawl. Okay, everyone tell me about the latest town you’ve decided to bilk out of their money.”

  2. How about a compromise? Just write one Bond in the beginning to get the PCs interacting with one another to begin with and establish a group identity, then let the rest come about as per the above rule? You get the best of both worlds that way.

  3. Hmm. I like this idea in theory, but I worry about the lack of binding material. Bonds can help me understand how the PCs relate, and why they’re hanging around together. Without them, I fear things may be disconnected.

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