Just a little photo of what’s on my desk… and what was uploaded to the cloud for Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel today…
Just a little photo of what’s on my desk.
Just a little photo of what’s on my desk… and what was uploaded to the cloud for Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel today…
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Where did you get the larger amber-ish dice?
Damian Jankowski It’s actually just an off-colour clear die… I’ve had it for well over a decade though, so unfortunately I can’t remember what brand or where I got it from.
Stefan Grambart, when you say “uploaded to the cloud for Sage and Adam”, does that mean it might become available to rest of us one day?
OOOOOHHHH WHY must you tease like this? How long have we awaited those spruced-up new official playbooks that were teased.. what… like… so… long… [weeps]
Michael Greene Wait.. what :O I missed the original announcement. Want to bring me up to speed?
Harrison s ☞ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+SageLaTorra/posts/45b8hby3AdL
Where can I find them? **
Roberto Darko I believe it was privately uploaded for review before official release.
Just in case anyone here missed it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3269630/dwdotcom/Dungeon_World_Play_Sheets.pdf
Stefan Grambart These are really great work. Are you going to supply an InDesign template for conversion of older playbooks if we wanted to match this style?
Damian Jankowski I REALLY want to, but that might take some serious creative thinking. The sheets were done in AI, and have a lot of fiddly bits I would want to bake-down in order to make them easy to use…
Let’s just say YES, but that it might take a little longer to get that one out.
When final, let’s make the fronts form-fillable with dropdowns! Yaaaaay!
Stefan Grambart Let me know if there is any way that I can help. I’d be more than willing.
Already printed some on yellow and goldenrod. I can read them in the sunlight but I would be interested to know how legible others find the grey text. Love, love, love the layout.
Oh yes ! Templates would be great ! What fonts did you use ?
I smell Averia Serif Libre?
Printed the character sheets on a Lexmark laser printer and grey letters are difficult to read.You should darken them imho.
Anyone know if the items that have been pointed out as needing to be fixed, have been indeed been fixed? I can’t remember which thread pointed out possible issues or maybe I imagined the whole thing.
Jim Jones You didn’t imagine. As gorgeous as the sheets are, there are some errors and omissions, not all of them are Stefan’s doing, and there has been no official announcement of corrections. There have been fan corrections to some sheets but we are in no way comprehensively amended. I’ll find the link and add it here.
Link to fan-corrected versions, still missing the Bolster, etc and containing the obsolete Immolator tags/improvements which have not been clarified:
Were the templates mentioned earlier released? If so would someone please point me in their direction, have just stumbled across these sheets and love the formatting/look of them, would like to use similar format for some homebrew stuff.