Dungeon Starter: Another sort of festival…
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7cav44145d9MTlSTmlJRjQ2VGc/view?usp=sharingDungeon Starter: Another sort of festival…
Dungeon Starter: Another sort of festival…
Dungeon Starter: Another sort of festival…
Dungeon Starter: Another sort of festival…
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7cav44145d9MTlSTmlJRjQ2VGc/view?usp=sharingComments are closed.
Well since I couldn’t make it to GenCon, this might be the next best thing.
This looks fun to play. Hounds of Tinadalos were always among the most annoying of the mythos creatures cause it was so hard to strike back at them. I like your take on them as an intelligent race instead of a smart animal driven by odd drives.
George G And this way you get the overwhelming horror of the Mythos as a bonus!
Bob Bersch Thanks. What I love about the Mythos is the mutability; it helps keep it fresh.