So my party has befriended a Griffin by the name of Tigit, and as what was clear last night they will probably want…

So my party has befriended a Griffin by the name of Tigit, and as what was clear last night they will probably want…

So my party has befriended a Griffin by the name of Tigit, and as what was clear last night they will probably want to use him in fights. So how would you rule this? I was thinking something like the ranger thing but then thats taking away the Rangers uniqueness, but I feel what I did last night where they didn’t really do anything was not really the right way either. Any help?

4 thoughts on “So my party has befriended a Griffin by the name of Tigit, and as what was clear last night they will probably want…”

  1. Ooo I like that Followers, definitely will use that and probabely for another NPC that has been hanging around with them but hasn’t done anything. Though that one is a bit tricky because she doesn’t follow the adventurers, the adventurers(are supposed to) follow her.

  2. Got enough ferrets?

    The follower paradigm is kinda cool, but the Griffin shouldn’t be a plaything or slave – it has wants and intents of its own. Make sure you give it a personality and an agenda. If the player’s schemes coalesce with its own, then it may fight for them, otherwise I’d be cackling with glee the next miss they roll. 

    This is the BEAST that turned.

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