On the Messy tag..
Something I was using last night. If an attack has the messy tag and it does greater then one third of the targets hit points, roll 3 d6 (I use a white, a red and a black) and check these charts..
location 1-2 3-4 5-6
1 Head Face Throat
2 Lt Up Arm Forearm Hand
3 Rt Up Arm Forearm Hand
4 Lt Thigh Calf Foot
5 Rt Thigh Calf Foot
6 Chest Abdomen Groin
1-2 Jagged bloody wound
3-4 Mangled and bloody wound
5-6 Ripped off or amputated…
This really makes the players take notice.. The flip side of this is if they recover the bit amputated and have magic should be able to re-attach without a lot of problems… maybe scaring on low rolls..
Will give it a try.
Just rolling on something like the last table (black die!) seems like an awesome idea. I think I’m too soft on characters when they get hit by something messy, but it feels a little too arbitrary to me to just choose something as serious as losing a leg at the knee. Let the dice decide!
Remember, though, messy hits can also do things like fuck up your armor or destroy your gear. I’d include some options for those on the brutality table.
On a partial success one of the things I let the players take is loss of equipment or damage to equipment. This led to one comical sequence where one of the characters was almost doing a striptease trying to escape the city guards. And yes, when your left arm is bitten off, that chain mail sleeve is taken too.
colin roald just remember that the players are the heroes and even losing an arm a leg should slow them down that much or for long. There is always magic or whatever help them out of those situations.
Never underestimate the usefulness of a well sharpened hook hand.