Some wizard wonderings that came to my mind while creating a new character – any thoughts?
First of all, Prodigy (and Master) say to reduce the level of the spell by one. Does this mean that it is reduced by 1 number (i.e. 3 to 2) or one spell tier (i.e. 3 to 1)? It seems to me like it should be the former, but I’m not sure.
Second, Empowered Magic and Greater Empowered magic. There’s a weird discrepancy between the two – Empowered magic gives the option of maximizing a spell’s effects, while Greater Empowered Magic gives the option of doubling them. Is this intentional?
Finally, Expanded spellbook. This move lets you take a spell from ‘the spellbook of any class’. Does this just mean that Cleric spells or fair game? Or does it mean any magical ability from another class, like Arcane Art of Shapeshifting?
I believe it is the former, but it is a legitimate question because of the way the spells are set up. Also, to be clear you can’t use both Prodigy and Master on one spell, it has to be on separate spells. Only thing I was thinking about a little bit, was: can you make 1st level spells cantrips with these moves? I guess it’s a GM specific thing, but if you think about it, there’s nothing in the rules against having players forget cantrips, tho it’s generally considered rude at the very least. (The cantrip description is a bit vague, but it does sound like you do have to roll the ‘cast a spell’, even if I haven’t required my players to at time. Unless cantrips…don’t count as spells.) And would making a 1st level spell a 0th level spell make it a cantrip, or just make it cost no slots whatsoever? Food for thought. I’d love to know what people think
It looks very intentional in the way the move is written. I interpreted it as the following:
‘Maximized effect means the spell’s desired effect is reached to it’s full potential within the normal spell’s power. Doubling that means the spell’s effects would be twice as strong as it would normally be. Doubling spell targets should be self explanatory (i.e. magic missiles hits two targets).
Finally, the ‘moves’ of another class don’t count as spells as far as I can tell. You can turn into animals, because you’re in tune with nature and maybe slightly animalistic, not because you can write or prepare the essences of them (tho that could be a cool move for a nature wizard. hmm :P). Cleric spells on the other hand are ‘prepared’ in the sense that a wizard who knows some clerical ritual or whatever could, Gods willing, be granted some kind of spiritual boon.
My two cents. Love to hear what other people think of all of this and what they have done in their games.
That’s a good question about cantrips… I think you can reduce a level 1 spell to a cantrip, but I don’t know if you still have to roll. That would be interesting, though, to have no roll magic missiles…
That makes sense. I mean, I interpreted maximized mostly in terms of dice rolls (especially damage), meaning each die is treated as having rolled the highest possible number, and doubled being doubling numerical effects. Doubling does increase the average roll more, but maximizing is more reliable (and honestly, I would almost rather have a guaranteed 12 dmg fireball in DW than a chance at a 24 damage or 4 damage fireball).
Speaking of fireball (and AOE in general), does it deal 2d6 damage spread out to all targets or 2d6 to each? I would think the latter, as it’s not like having more people standing in an explosion makes it less powerful. And, assuming it does 2d6 to each individual target, would the wizard need to roll damage on every single guy or just roll once and apply that same roll to everyone?
With Expanded Spellbook, I guess the vagueness could actually be a benefit for DW. Like, it would mostly apply to cleric spells (or just getting more Wizard spells), but if some wizard, was, say, studying with druids he could take shapeshifter, or if he was an alchemist he could take poisoner – moves, but only with a good reason.
You have to roll for cantrips.
Remember, when in doubt, the rules aren’t in code; they pretty much all say exactly what they mean.
“1 level” means one level, not one tier or whatever. One level down from a level 3 spell is a level 2 spell. A level 1 spell goes down to a level 0 spell, which behaves just like a cantrip, but technically isn’t. (If a move refers to cantrips, your level 0 spell won’t count. It’s a regular spell that doesn’t take up any slots. E.g. you don’t “automatically” prepare it, since it’s not a cantrip, but you can choose to prepare it for free, so why wouldn’t you?) Similarly, you can’t reduce cantrips to level -1, since they aren’t technically level 0 spells.
You absolutely do have to roll for cantrips, by the way. They are spells, even if they don’t have levels, and the trigger for “Cast a Spell” is just, ” When you release a spell you’ve prepared.” You always have to roll to cast them, and they are always at risk of being forgotten, per the 7-9 results or through a GM move. You prepare them automatically, but that doesn’t mean you get to keep them forever.
Greater Empowered Magic is different than Empowered Magic because it’s a different move. That’s intentional.
Expanded Spellbook lets you take any spell “from the spell list of any class.” So you can only take spells from a spell list. In core, that means a Wizard or Cleric spell, since those are the only classes with spell lists. Moves aren’t spells; only spells are spells. There is no distinction between types of magic in the DW rules.
Lastly, “If the action that triggers the move could reasonably hurt multiple targets roll once and apply damage to each target (they each get their armor).” So you’d roll your 2d6 just once, and everyone in the blast would take the same amount of damage. (In your defense, this is hidden in the description for H&S, rather than in the damage section where it should probably be.)
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Awesome, thanks for the clarifications! We’ve never had a wizard (or cleric for that matter) in our group and this will really help next session.