Hi! I´m watching the ‘Apocalypse World powered by Roll20’ series, where Adam Koebel is the MC, and between sessions he does a GM prep video. It´s so good! Is there something similar for Dungeon World anywhere? I´d be happy with just the GM prep stuff, made by Adam.
And Night Witches. And Sagas. And Monsterhearts. And… ; )
I love this series. I wish I’d seen it before I MC’d a campaign. A great primer.
Eduardo Henrique Schaeffer Do you perchance have a link to that AW series? I’d appreciate it!
Jerry Sköld
The gameplay series is here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTj75n3v9eTmTM_YpZWLbBZgWM4aI3Eo4
The gm turns are here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTj75n3v9eTkB2XskNcoSTv63uFvVzash
Thanks guys. So, apparently there is no GM turn video for DW. Seems like something someone versed in DW could make.
Thanks JD Stockford
Thank you JD Stockford!
Eduardo Henrique Schaeffer I would say a lot of the stuff Adam is doing is very aplicable to DW tbh