The Black Eyed Child is actually an idea I’m throwin’ around for Monsterhearts, but eh, I’m uploading them all at the same time.
Originally shared by Kris Miller
Just some sample threats/locations.

The Black Eyed Child is actually an idea I’m throwin’ around for Monsterhearts, but eh, I’m uploading them all at…
The Black Eyed Child is actually an idea I’m throwin’ around for Monsterhearts, but eh, I’m uploading them all at the same time.
Originally shared by Kris Miller
Just some sample threats/locations.
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The Forest Path is nails, dude. Kind has a litho feel to it, like Escher, but without the the whacked perspectives. Slick.
Wow, thank you so much! That’s a pretty cool response
Yeah I gotta be honest, I feel like it does kinda overshadow all of the other things heh. I particularly enjoyed adding in the little shadow men.