If the names Ragnor the Bloody, Miles Cyrus or Pastor ring a bell. Stop reading this now please
So . I’m gaming a game and I’m the first session they fought a necromancer who is an inky cloud that can possess his undead and has shadow magic. Also his undead were mostly modified with metal plates and weapons grafted in and can make themselves smarter and more agile by eating a corpse.
I’m trying to think of a front for him and what his endgame might be. I have a niggling idea about him trying to create life with his necromancy. OR that he was an ancient king and is going to retake his throne and use some sort of ritual to convert everyone in the countries borders into a zombie.
I’m new to this and could use some help with (a) making a front and (b) figuring out his end game and some cool things for him to be scheming
Sounds like you put the cart before the horse. You figured out the how and now need to find a why. I think your idea of an ancient king come back to reclaim the throne is great. Run with it. As for a front
Ancient King
Grim Portents:
The wails of the dead can be heard from all graveyards across the land
The sun no longer shines brightly (think constant cloud cover)
The recently dead arise as shambling corpses and wander off to serve the ancient one
The capitol is beset with plague and hordes of zombies
Impending Doom:
The Ancient One now rules the throne. The King is dead, may he ever rule forever.
As for cool things he could be doing, taking over a kingdom is a huge undertaking. No one person can do it alone and mindless hordes will only get you so far. Start thinking of living people that may be helping him. People that are doing it for gold, loyalty, or something even darker.
Good luck mate.
Thanks. Death cultists sound fun. Also it gives me a next step for them. Could have a cultist group attack them in town
Since he’s already established, I would think of this necromancer as more of a grim portent of a larger front. Maybe the necromancer is himself only a pawn in a larger game (ok, a bishop if you want him to be a recurring villain). What if he serves an upstart demigod/demon prince/whatever-you-name-your-planar-power that wants to dethrone Death itself and prevent souls from crossing over to their rightful rest, trapping them as undead forever? Why would such a being want that – is it just sadistic and hateful of the joy of human existence? Perhaps it wants revenge on Death, or perhaps it wants to become Death and needs to starve it’s opponent until Death is weak enough to conquer.
To be honest the way I introduced him he is waaaay too proud to be anyone’s servant.
Valar morghulis, valar dohaeris…
Damn. I can’t remember what that means and my phones browser is playing up. Help a guy out ? :O
All men must die, all men must serve.
Ah. Thanks