18 thoughts on “https://www.patreon.com/dirkleichty”
Backed! When I saw your images from before I crossed my fingers that you’d pull the trigger on something like this. Looking forward to getting your work!
Great job. So looking forward to these. Backed!
Simply stunning.
Backed! The style really caught my eye when I first saw them (yesterday I think). I’m glad to see that these are something I can soon have copies of.
And… backed. Hard decision for me since I suggested Patreon in the last post!
Ha +Matthew DeKrey. I knew I had seen them yesterday. I just looked up the post and I see it’s the same one that prompted you to suggest Patreon. It was a good suggestion apparently!
Backed! But I’d pay a lot more if you’d just give me some spare talent and teach me how to draw. In fairness, though, glimpses of some very cool and imaginative concepts here too…
Other art-based Patreons, btw, allow higher backer levels to suggest themes and such, since you were asking for suggestions on other levels, Dirk Detweiler Leichty.
Matthew DeKrey , I could take requests for specific things from patrons’ campaigns, maybe? Like each release would include a handful of patron-suggested locales or characters? Bryan Plumb suggested something similar. Good ideas!
Wow am I super proud to be in your playgroup Dirk Detweiler Leichty ! Let me tell you all, these little drawings are amazing for immersion. And we get to see them first hand
Backed, and proud to be your patron!
Ooo man I really like this! What do you project your release schedule to look like?
Danny Crawford good question! My goal is roughly monthly, but never more than once a month. I should put that info on the page somewhere, for sure.
Matthew DeKrey , Bryan Plumb extra reward levels added, do they seem appropriate?
Dirk Detweiler Leichty yeah looks good to me. I’ll happy upgrade once my campaigns are setup and underway. Good work Dirk.
Sweet, supported! I see that you are in Albany, I live in Dallas and work in Corvallis and it always makes me happy to support a local artist!
The artwork on these look great, and the accompanying text is superb; puts it over the top!
Backed! When I saw your images from before I crossed my fingers that you’d pull the trigger on something like this. Looking forward to getting your work!
Great job. So looking forward to these. Backed!
Simply stunning.
Backed! The style really caught my eye when I first saw them (yesterday I think). I’m glad to see that these are something I can soon have copies of.
And… backed. Hard decision for me since I suggested Patreon in the last post!
Ha +Matthew DeKrey. I knew I had seen them yesterday. I just looked up the post and I see it’s the same one that prompted you to suggest Patreon. It was a good suggestion apparently!
Backed! But I’d pay a lot more if you’d just give me some spare talent and teach me how to draw.
In fairness, though, glimpses of some very cool and imaginative concepts here too…
Other art-based Patreons, btw, allow higher backer levels to suggest themes and such, since you were asking for suggestions on other levels, Dirk Detweiler Leichty.
Matthew DeKrey , I could take requests for specific things from patrons’ campaigns, maybe? Like each release would include a handful of patron-suggested locales or characters? Bryan Plumb suggested something similar. Good ideas!
Wow am I super proud to be in your playgroup Dirk Detweiler Leichty ! Let me tell you all, these little drawings are
amazingfor immersion. And we get to see them first handBacked, and proud to be your patron!
Ooo man I really like this! What do you project your release schedule to look like?
Danny Crawford good question! My goal is roughly monthly, but never more than once a month. I should put that info on the page somewhere, for sure.
Matthew DeKrey , Bryan Plumb extra reward levels added, do they seem appropriate?
Dirk Detweiler Leichty yeah looks good to me. I’ll happy upgrade once my campaigns are setup and underway. Good work Dirk.
Sweet, supported! I see that you are in Albany, I live in Dallas and work in Corvallis and it always makes me happy to support a local artist!
The artwork on these look great, and the accompanying text is superb; puts it over the top!