18 thoughts on “https://www.patreon.com/dirkleichty”

  1. Ha +Matthew DeKrey. I knew I had seen them yesterday. I just looked up the post and I see it’s the same one that prompted you to suggest Patreon. It was a good suggestion apparently!

  2. Backed! But I’d pay a lot more if you’d just give me some spare talent and teach me how to draw. 😉 In fairness, though, glimpses of some very cool and imaginative concepts here too…

  3. Other art-based Patreons, btw, allow higher backer levels to suggest themes and such, since you were asking for suggestions on other levels, Dirk Detweiler Leichty. 

  4. Matthew DeKrey , I could take requests for specific things from patrons’ campaigns, maybe? Like each release would include a handful of patron-suggested locales or characters? Bryan Plumb suggested something similar. Good ideas!

  5. Wow am I super proud to be in your playgroup Dirk Detweiler Leichty ! Let me tell you all, these little drawings are amazing for immersion. And we get to see them first hand 🙂

  6. Danny Crawford good question! My goal is roughly monthly, but never more than once a month. I should put that info on the page somewhere, for sure.

    Matthew DeKrey , Bryan Plumb  extra reward levels added, do they seem appropriate?

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