I’m running Dungeon World tomorrow for the second time – my first time was last week, and we’re continuing the story. I’m VERY excited! I’ve played Apocalypse World, Monsterhearts, and Monster of the Week, and this has been my first foray into DW. The world building is an absolute blast, and the fluidity with which details come in is awesome. In character conversations, as well as conversations about the player’s characters, brought about such facts as: magical talent is passed along through blood; there’s a Fire mage who, when he was younger, “couldn’t not make fire” before he perfected his ability; and there’s a band of orcs near the town that are taking in slaves (this is becoming an important Front).
I thought I would pass along a picture of an NPC the characters befriended in the first session. I hadn’t read up on Hirelings and forgot how to run them, so initially he was just kind of off fighting other enemies during battles to keep him occupied. Now I’ve made him into a “Hireling” and given him a custom move to keep him unique.
Meet Throllok, Orc of the Hills of Gontha, former Slave Trader, and Wolfbane (this Orc tribe’s name for Berserker). So he’s a Warrior 2, Protector 1, Loyalty 2 (the players did a good job befriending him and dazzling him), and he has a custom move for his Wolfbane bit. He can deal 1d6+Warrior damage to an enemy as he goes into a rage. He can only do this once before having to rest.
Like I said, I am pretty new, so I don’t have all of the fine-tuning down yet, but I’m enjoying this a lot! I’ve made a few custom moves for the area as well. Yay!
Dirk Detweiler Leichty David Morris Alexander Glenn Gerame L Nicholas Vavrosky (my players. Well, mostly – Nick and Gerame haven’t had a chance to join us yet)
I wish I had someone to play the game with.
Marcelino Soliz If you came to Cape Town on Monday nights…
Marcelino Soliz If you lived in Albany, OR, we might be able to arrange things heh … Not a lot of help, I know. I wouldn’t mind playing an online game some time!