I see a lot of people posting custom classes that look professional, and fit with the core books class, what program are you using? Do you have a template you can just plug the info in? Not that I am anywhere near completion but I am making my own hack and I would like the have quality sheets to give my players.
I see a lot of people posting custom classes that look professional, and fit with the core books class, what program…
I see a lot of people posting custom classes that look professional, and fit with the core books class, what program…
There is an MS Word template, but I’m not sure where I got it =)
Care to share Rory?
Adobe InDesign. You can get the original base classes online and edit them.
Ditto indesign
I’ve been using a MS Word template here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B619TXcw5H5aMTJ5NmJKZkpsWFU&authuser=0
I didn’t create it, and i cannot recall where i found it; presumably in the tavern here.
Two questions:
1. Where did you get the inDesign originals? Off the sourceforge site?
2. Can you export from them to something less costly, software-wise?
You can export to PDF, which is typically the standard, or other types if needed. You can’t really export them to another file-type to be edited in another non-adobe program, though. Not in a way I know of, at least.
I use Apache Open Office (which is free) and either a pre-made blank (check out http://apocalypse-world.com/forums/index.php?topic=6527.0 for some examples) or the one I made (https://www.dropbox.com/s/9chrpo0odq929zu/blankDWsheetFagerStyle.odg?dl=0)
thanks everyone
Sorry, I was at work and did not have access to the template. I do mine in MS Word and convert to PDF using PDF Architect.