Does anybody have a comparison handy between Dungeon World and World of Dungeons for a Planarch Codex game?
I’m looking at starting an extended, online campaign with Dark Heart of the Dreamer as the key source of setting information, but I can’t decide between Dungeon World and World of Dungeons for the system.
I can see where Dungeon World has advantage in terms of more advancement options, more codified moves, more structure; but I can also see where World of Dungeons might be able to get the feeling of Dark Heart of the Dreamer right by means of having the more flexible character building and rule adjudication.
That’s the start of things in my mind, and it’s pretty even. Thoughts?
(I’ve read the guidelines for one-shots and first sessions with the advice to start with World of Dungeons and move to Dungeon World, but I fear that would be more trouble than it’s worth. I could easily be wrong, though; has anyone tried this?)
Noam Rosen may have thoughts on this…
I’m a fan of WoDu’s flexibility, myself. I haven’t played much DW though.
I love World of Dungeons – I’ve run 4-6 session games using the system but for my tastes, I strip it down even further. I try and hand wave loot and avoid drawn out hit point accounting type-combat, as much as possible.
I thin WoDu is great for Planarch Codex because a brief discussion is really all that is needed to play whatever type of character you want. DW is, believe it or not, a bit too rules heavy for me. :d
That said, I think using Johnstone’s class warfare as a guideline and supplement to Planarch Codex you could do a lot of cool, weird stuff in the plane scape vein. Feel free to chat with me further about WoDu; its a powerful little system (and easy to alter to your tastes).
Dylan Nix check out this codex as well. WoDu might be more extensible than you thought:)
Thanks, y’all
Noam Rosen: I’ll probably take you up on that. Our Intensity in Tent City session at Big Bad Con was absolutely superb, and I had been curious as to your decision to run it with WoDu (not that I don’t think it was a perfect choice
The Planarch+WoDu character sheet looks like it would make it real easy to have that brief discussion, too.
I had considered DW+Class Warfare, which appears to be a potent combination, but it sort of puts another barrier to easy entry if you need another book to be able to tap into everything the GM is offering you.
Chris Bennett: Talk about extensive extensibility! I’ve seen some of this before, but not collected into a PDF like this. Excellent, much thanks!
I second DW + Class Warfare. Oh, and Invisible Cities.
You might also check out Gremlin Legions’s Streets of Marienburg, which it like halfway in the middle.
Nathan Roberts: Looked at the preview for Class Warfare, and it is goodness. And ooh, yes, Invisible Cities. I had nearly forgotten! Thanks
J. Walton: Hmm! This definitely has the ability to inspire. I appreciate it!