Robigus the Mildew God (Just in case you thought I made him up.)

Robigus the Mildew God (Just in case you thought I made him up.)

Robigus the Mildew God (Just in case you thought I made him up.)

from Wikipedia:

In ancient Roman religion, the Robigalia was a festival held April 25. Its main ritual was a dog sacrifice to protect grain fields from disease. Games (ludi) in the form of “major and minor” races were held. The Robigalia was one of several agricultural festivals in April to celebrate and vitalize the growing season, but the darker sacrificial elements of these occasions are also fraught with anxiety about crop failure and the dependence on divine favor to avert it.

The late Republican scholar Varro says that the Robigalia was named for the god Robigus, who as the numen or personification of agricultural disease could also prevent it.He was thus a potentially malignant deity to be propitiated, as Aulus Gellius notes.

2 thoughts on “Robigus the Mildew God (Just in case you thought I made him up.)”

  1. I kind of want to play a Cleric of this guy now. Especially with that description you gave of him as a devastatingly handsome mushroom man; something about that just tickles me. 😛

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