Went ahead and did the “dragon version conversion”….
Feedback? Ideas? War stories?
Anybody want to do a map?
Went ahead and did the “dragon version conversion”….
Went ahead and did the “dragon version conversion”….
Feedback? Ideas? War stories?
Anybody want to do a map?
Comments are closed.
Ooh. I can’t do a map sadly. But if you’re looking for someone to layout work, I can do that.
Anything you like. Layout? Would you like a word doc?
A Word doc works. So does the Google doc.
As far as content goes, I’m not a fan of the Myconid Alien Symbols, the Unexpected Pit, or the Falling Rocks moves. They’re all very similar, and I don’t really care for the 1 good / 1 bad structure.
I think that Myconid Parasitic Infection also needs to be brought into line so that it’s more like a usual move. There’s no 10+, or 7-9 result listed.
Chris:Open to revisions
Chris: I revised with your comments in mind:
Myconid Alien Symbols
When you find runes deeply etched on a mine wall, roll+Wis.
On a 10+,
• Learn something useful (Example: Robigas’ shrine has been defiled!)
On a 7-9:
• Learn something cryptic (Example: Robigas is the Roman demigod of Mildew)
Less than 6:
You learn nothing useful and are attacked by Myconids!
Myconid Parasitic Infection
When your character has been injured by a Myconid after the battle they must roll versus CON of becoming infected.
On a 10+,
The character has developed immunity to Myconid Parasitic Infection and is exempt from any such future rolls.
On a 7-9:
The character has developed immunity to Myconid Parasitic Infection and is exempt from any such future rolls but must take 1d6 in additional damage or lose a valuable item to fungal contamination.
Less than 6:
You are infected. Take 1d6 additional damage and lose a valuable item to fungal contamination.
Fungus will sprout all over the characters body and in 1d3 weeks he or she will transform into a small Myconid. A heal spell or amber mushroom will be needed to cure the character.
Cleansing the shrine of the dragon will banish the myconids and cure the character.
Out of curiosity Mark Tygart, couldn’t you just use Spout Lore for the Myconid Alien Symbols move? It’s pretty much the same thing.
For Myconid Parasitic Infection I think I would change the trigger to this:
“After a battle during with you took damage from a Myconid, roll with Con. On a 10+, you’re
immune to the parasite. On a 7-9, take 1d3 damage as your body fights off the infection. You take a cumulative
1 to future CON rolls to fight off the Myconid parasites. On a 6, you’re infected.I’m ok with that. Any ideas for Myconid Alien Symbols as you are right.
Chris how about:
Earth Tremor
A small earth tremor has triggered a tunnel collapse; roll + Dexterity.
On a 10+,
You find a useful item in the rubble
On a 7-9:
You take 1d4 damage
Less than 6:
You take 1d4 damage and the noise attracts Myconids
This is personal taste, but I very rarely write the 6- part. I almost always feel it’s better to let the GM make whatever move they feel is appropriate.
Well, I always feel these things are guidelines and useful for GMs like me new to the system.
Do you like the move overall?
Also open to more moves with the cursed hoard…
Honestly I don’t think you need that Earth Tremor move. You can just use Defy Danger.
OK, but remember part of this is to help new GMs with Dungeon starters…I’m torn.
If you want to lay it out Chris you can skip it!
ok, changed it.
Hi Mark Tygart. I’ve been thinking about your statement that this is intended to help new GMs. Hence the inclusion of 6- clauses on many of the moves.
I’m wondering if a better approach would be to make moves without the 6- clause, and then have a callout under each move explaining how the usual GM moves could be used in those situations.
Yes, that might work very well.
What do you think of this: Make the medusa (former cursed Robigus priestess) the first central villain, but give her a cursed hoard of gold.
Have the Dragon show up just after the medusa is killed to get the gold.
The greedy dwarves refuse payment until the dragon is slain and Robigus reactivates his fungal curse. In other words combine both approaches…
Christopher Stone-Bush I’m open yo all your ideas: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7cav44145d9MEhlNHV3bE52YlU/view?usp=sharing