Johnstone Metzger , what is the idealistic tag of the Captain’s crew? I find no reference in CW or DW.

Johnstone Metzger , what is the idealistic tag of the Captain’s crew? I find no reference in CW or DW.

Johnstone Metzger , what is the idealistic tag of the Captain’s crew? I find no reference in CW or DW.

I suppose it means that they should behave lawful, possibly lawful good. Essentially a bunch of Paladin-esque figures.

Meaning the Captain tells us what they fight for and what their beliefs are, and they probably won’t act against those if they are not forced or see no other way.

5 thoughts on “Johnstone Metzger , what is the idealistic tag of the Captain’s crew? I find no reference in CW or DW.”

  1. I think the name is meant to be the entire explanation (like the weaknesses and trainings for the Animal Companion, for example).

    If Idealistic means lawful/lawful good for your table, then that’s great. I think the secondary suggestion that the Captain says what their ideals actually are is even better, since it leaves things open for scoundrels with their own code of ethics–and other things which don’t necessarily fit a Paladin-esque feel. “Always save a fellow pirate, no matter who else you’ve got to stab along the way” could be a perfectly valid code for an Idealistic crew.

  2. Yes, James is exactly right. It’s just a role-playing cue. They should be idealistic, whatever that means to you. I think lawful good is pretty idealistic myself, so it sounds to me like you have a good handle on it already Stefan.

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