Slow day at work so let’s play a game to stretch those GMing muscles. I’ll post an action and the next person to post comes up with a fun/awesome result of a
Then that person comes up with an action for the next person to come up with the three results.
“I attempt to seduce the fire breathing dragon.”
On a10+: The dragons affections are totally hot and it will be your mate for a time if you wish.
On a 7-9: It’s affections are quite hot and the Dragon will tell you a truth for each HP you expend in its firey embrace.
On a miss: The dragon is too hot to handle, the GM well tell you just how hot.
When you shed a tear into the well if tears…
On a 10+: The well answers three questions that have to do with extreme sorrow or joy.
On a 7-9: The well answers one question that has to do with extreme sorrow or joy, but you need to answer a question first
On a miss: The well takes your tears from you forever. You can no longer feel happy or sad and your eyes are very dry and irritated.
When you attempt to grab the golden idol off the pagan alter…
10+: The idol is yours! What great glory and wealth will come to you!
7-9: You cackle with glee as you snatch the golden idol, though the walls shift and an enormous rock begins tumbling towards you with great speed!
Miss: The idol is a fake! Someone has been here before you. The walls shift, the only obvious entryway closes solidly, and the walls begin to close in slowly with sharp spikes jutting from holes in their surfaces.
When you attempt to get a whif of the strange colored tendrils wafting in the wind…
When you
attempt toget a whif of the strange colored tendrils wafting in the wind, roll+CON.On a 10+, you only hurl but are otherwise okay
On a 7-9 start a countdown with 4 segments named
“My body is goo”.
On a 6- start the same countdown and mark the first 2 segments.
oops sorry.
When you study in the Library of Anex for over a week
10+: the dragon is yours, body and soul, and you know true love, briefly, before the dragon’s courtship fire incinerates you.
7–9: the dragon fancies you, but you have no way of knowing this. You are cautiously optimistic, briefly, before the dragon’s courtship fire incinerates you.
6–: the dragon swallows you. You scream in the pain of unrequited love and digestive enzymes, briefly, before the dragon’s inner fire incinerates you.
[Update: I don’t follow instructions.]
Lester Ward Sounds like a win-win.
When you study in the Library of Anex for over a week, roll +INT. On a hit you gain a secret your worst enemy thought buried and forgotten.
10+: You tell the GM what it is.
7-9: The GM will tell you what it is.
Miss: The library has taken its toll on you. All those secrets need to be heard. From now on you have to tell people things they don’t know at the worst possible time.
When you challenge the orc king to single combat…
When you study in the Library of Anex for over a week roll + INT. On a 10+ pick two, on a 7-9 pick one.
* You access strange arcane knowledges. Choose a spell from any playbook of your level or below – you may cast that spell, perfectly, once.
* You learn many, many things which you somehow know will help you in the future. Take three preparation (as per the Bolster move)
* You escape the attention (and spore children) of the pervasive Librarian Eumycetes.
When you take a leap into the Chasm of Dark Faith,
EDIT : Aw, shucks. Slow on the trigger.
When you challenge the orc king to single combat, roll +STR. On a hit, he accepts. On a 10+ both of the following are true, on a 7-9 choose one :
* He does not cheat.
* His clan accepts the results of the fight, should you win.
On a miss they realize you are not strong enough to be worth wasting honor on…. or defend yourself effectively.
When you take a leap into the Chasm of Dark Faith,
Maybe submit a holding post if you’re writing an answer so we can wait for each next one if it is in progress. But these are all good!
When you challenge the orc king to single combat…
10+: He eagerly accepts. All the Traditions and Laws of the Rite to Rule are in affect. Good Luck, you’re going to need it!
7-9: He accepts, though begrudgingly. You’re not of the Tribe, so the Rules are suspended. This is likely to hurt, a lot.
Miss: The Orc King is enraged by your hubris, thinking you had a Voice in his Court! He and his retainers immediately launch a ferocious attack…
“When you fiddle with the mysterious shimmering arch…”
First thing I thought when I read “You fiddle with the mysterious shimmering arch” was “stop that you’ll go blind if you play with it too much”.
Sounds like a good Miss result
When you fiddle with the mysterious shimmering arch:
10+: Glances of scenes change rapidly as if shuffling through a million different choices. As you attempt to focus on one, the portal slows and offers you entry to that location.
7-9: The glimpses of different locations slow to the one on which you focus, however it looks different then it once did. Almost as if it was not in the same era.
Miss: There is no way to know where you will end up when you step through the archway. You almost feel like you could catch it at the right time, but it is impossible to tell for sure. Unfortunately, this is the only way out of here.
When you are flying through the air and attempt to cap the Shard of Engonog on to the highest staff of the great statue…
When you are flying through the air and attempt to cap the Shard of Engonog on to the highest staff of the great statue…
10+: You time it just right as you go sailing overhead and you drop the Shard right where it needs to go. The shields go back up and the city is safe for now. Now you are falling to your death, what do you do?
7-9: You smash into the statue and hold on but you crack the Shard. When you put it into the staff the shield comes up but it looks weak. Take 6 damage and a broken nose.
Miss: FFFFFUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuu……….splat.
When you drink the forbidden waters of the fairies…
When you drink the forbidden waters of the fairies, roll+CON.
10+: You gain an incredible sense of magic and mystical sensation and glitter trails from your wake as you prance around in the forest.
7-9: The trees and plants around you suddenly look larger then they were before. You gain insight and powers of the fairies but now you are one! At least for now.
Miss: You suddenly awake after what must have been hours of being unconscious as it is much darker now. You go to stand up but realize that you are bound down to the ground by hundreds of tiny ropes! You look to one side and see an army of fairies walking toward you with glittering sparkly spears and pitchforks.
When you are in a competition that could save the lives of your people and attempt to pull a wooden block from near the bottom of a teetering wooden structure…
Roll + DEX.
On a hit The Tower stands, and the Death Queen Jennifer Gua chooses another potential victim to face The Tower.
On a 7-9 The Tower also wobbles with a subtle looming threat of aggression. You and/or your people take -1 forward against The Tower in future testing (cumulative)
On a miss The Tower falls upon your people and your land, as does the wraith of The Death Queen.
When you enter The Border Fortress Crafted Of A Lover’s Sorrow,
When you enter The Border Fortress Crafted Of A Lover’s Sorrow
Roll + Con.
10+: Hold your head high despite the cries of anguish and torment. Your friends are near you. If not in proximity, in your heart. Ask one question from the “Discern Realities” list, whatever is revealed will be a boon to you, even though it might have grown from a painful experience.
On a 7-9: You know that good things are ahead, but you can’t help but feel the weight of your own grief. The GM will ask you a question from the discern realities list. Your answer must contain a painful part of your past. Take + 1 forward when you act against your fears/pain.
On a 6: You are consumed by your own pain and sorrow. The GM will ask you a question regarding your deepest pain. Answer it truthfully. You cannot sleep or eat for two days. You cannot heal any wounds using the Make Camp move and preparing spells is impossible (mostly because you are crying into a pillow).
When you dance with the fairies of the wood…
When you dance with the fairies of the wood, roll WIS.
10+: You realize there is a magic in the music that is forcing everyone to keep dancing, but you break free yourself and your allies.
7-9: You break free of the enchantment. Your allies do not. If you’d like you can dance if you want to or you can leave your friends behind, but if your friends still dance and if you don’t dance then they are no friends of mine.
Miss: You are trapped for a year dancing with the fey. You will forever have that song stuck in your head.
When you ask a disgruntled genie for a wish…
Gotta say, I really love this exercise.
When you ask a disgruntled genie for a wish, roll+CHA.
10+, the Genie asks you again if you are SURE that you want to do this. If you say yes, your wish is granted but you are now the new Genie of the lamp! You must find another victim to take your place before your wish, and your life, are returned to you.
7-9, the Genie grants you your wish but twists your words in a way that you did not intend and are stuck with the results of a mixed wish that will both help and hinder you in different ways. The GM will tell you how.
Miss, you awake suddenly in a small spherical room with a skylight, dressed in loose garb and laying on a bed of throw pillows. You’re not really sure where you are at first, but then a large eye looks down in through the skylight. You’re in the Genie’s lamp!
When you are being knighted by the most influential King of the lands and feel a sudden rumble in your belly. You know the ceremony is far from over. When you attempt to hold in what might be a devastatingly embarrassing moment…
When you are being knighted by the most influential King of the lands and feel a sudden rumble in your belly. You know the ceremony is far from over. When you attempt to hold in what might be a devastatingly embarrassing moment… you totally do it because no one wants to see your character that embarrassed.
When you duck in for cover from the Gnoll’s arrow storm
Tim Franzke Boooo. That’s no fun. It’s not the GM’s fault you ate that rotten ration earlier.
When you duck in for cover from the Gnoll’s arrow storm, roll+DEX.
10+, well, there was only one direction to go, so you jump straight into the raging river but it takes you a safe distance from the storm.
7-9, you jump towards the water but a coil of rope tangles around your ankle and you dangle fruitlessly upside down over the cliff’s edge.
Miss, one arrow pins your cloak, then another pierces your leg down into the dirt. Arrow by arrow, you are stuck more so to the ground with each strike. You are pinned down to the ground and losing a lot of blood, if you don’t do something about it, you’ll bleed to death.
When you make a shady deal with a dirty goblin in a dark alleyway…
’cause Tim Franzke was no fun:
When you are being knighted by the most influential King of the lands and feel a sudden rumble in your belly. You know the ceremony is far from over. When you attempt to hold in what might be a devastatingly embarrassing moment…
10+ Though you break into profuse sweating, you manage to contain yourself and the King takes your sudden glistening as due and proper fear of his Awesomeness.
7-9: You manage to contain yourself……mostly. The audience is largely unaware, as is the King, but a few of your more influential enemies at Court notice the ‘spillage’ and will certainly use it against you somehow
Miss: Well, Sir Shits-his-pants, if the iron rations are moving of their own accord as you reach for them, perhaps you should just go hungry next time, no?
When you attempt to debate the nascent flux-state of quasi meta-mystical fae flora with the local Wizard in his tower….
Shaun Johnson Oh man, that miss result was hilarious.
Damian Jankowski , thanks! Delos Adamski , thank you for kicking this off. I’ve yet to GM a DW game, or any other game for that matter, but I hope to start one in a few months. This exercise is good practice for coming up with results on the fly.
Shaun Johnson I’ll play as a Knight in your first game.
When you attempt to debate the nascent flux-state of quasi meta-mystical fae flora with the local Wizard in his tower, Roll +INT….
On a hit the pair of you discover how to capitalize on it. Should you spend a week or so helping refine flora essence in the lab, the wizard will treat your armor, weapon, or other personal item of your choice with it, making it weightless.
On a 7-9, choose one –
* The wizard considers you more of a pest than a help. They ‘request’ that you leave them alone, though they’ll still treat your kit if you so desire.
* Your magical studies draw the magical attention or the mischievous fae, or another less friendly wizard. The GM will decide, but may not tell you right away…
On a miss you show your ignorance. Not only does the wizard wish to see no more of you, tales of your cosmic ignorance will get around in their circles.
Alternately :
When you attempt (etc) roll +CHA.
On a hit, the wizard respects your arguments and offers to open a portal to the fae lands of your choosing so you can collect study samples.
On a 10+ he also grants you a magical boon to assist you on the other side.
On a miss, he chuckles as you finish your cup of mushroom tea. “Well, our arguments are academic. We’ll know the nature of the creatures soon enough.” He studies you, even as your stomach begins to turn…
When you bear your lit torch in the presence of The Dark Underking….