Sage LaTorra Adam Koebel Guys, any chance we could get an update on the War supplement? Is there a problem? Is there something holding it up? Other than being patient, is there something we can do to help? Not trying to be pushy, but it sorta seems like it’s been a long time coming for the KS backers and since the last update.
Sage LaTorra Adam Koebel Guys, any chance we could get an update on the War supplement?
Sage LaTorra Adam Koebel Guys, any chance we could get an update on the War supplement?
The trick about developing a thing is that sometimes you’re blazing along on it and sometimes it’s just not, you know, good, and you have to approach it from a different way or scrap some of it and start over.
We try to take a Blizzard approach: it’ll come out when it’s done, you know? It’s not that we’re dismissive of people wanting to see it, but it’s just not ready at a level we’re proud of, yet. When it is, we promise we’ll be super vocal about it and get it to our fans. We just need everyone to trust us – we want to get Inglorious out the door as much as everyone else!
We’ve been through several scrappings, but I think that if I can just get this draft nailed down we’ll be at the point of only minor revisions. And it’s really cool! We’ve done some stuff that I think is really interesting as far as what goes in a supplement. And a few new approaches to things in the AW/D&D realms.
On this note, any updates on the release of the Immolator?
We have a plan
In the meantime, the Anglekite large-scale rules are cool!
Cool, coz i dont know how long i can hold off the great war with the armies of the Demonlord, ya know