While I am bedridden sick. I can at least use a mouse to create the Charactersheet for Swords of a Starlight Empire.
The left sheet is independent from the right side which has the options for the Class. The basic sheet can be combined with compendium classes and/or Mainclasses.
What is Swords of a Starlight Empire?
very attractive!
My PbtA/DW hack of a combination of old ’80 SciFi animatians, anime, Pulp mags and everything I like to play
+ massive mass effect affecting the style. All in a retrodesign like those old Microgame zipbag games. more or less.
Next question: where can I get this game?
Even in good shape I can’t manage to do the same :/
Very nice. Would love to see the game some day as well!
It’s a good looking sheet!
A +1 to see more of this game! It looks cool so far
I am positively surprised about the feedback. Mille Gracias. Tjis is supposed to be with a very short ~20 page quickstart, but be warned, I am a terrible writer, dont expect too much
I had 2 ideas after flipping through AW DW and ClassWarfare and looking at my Charasheet. I focus mostly on 2-3 Themes for the Moves of my classes, which means, it would be possible to keep them as compendiums classes anyway. So instead of creating “fixed” classes, I could build a career-system for the characters, where your main career Pretorian (Space-Paladin/Politician), Claymore (Spacecrusader / Heavy Infantery) and the Kris Naga (Assasin / Infiltrator) also unlocked the major elements like ranks and general skills, while 1-2 compendium careers offers more specialisation and unlock different equickments.
beautiful sheets.
Oh and if Nobody recognised yet? All compendium classes are named after a special weapon.
I love me some space stories. I’d like to see this thing, too.