Since DW likes to be old school and I like monk-type classes, I thought it’d be nice to make a DW version of an old school class that fits both bills: The Mystic.
The Mystic veers more towards the old school version of the archetype, but can grow to fit other molds as it advances.
If you felt your game could use the sagely wisdom and martial prowess of a martial artist, then, by all means, give it a look.–A-Dungeon-World-Playbook
This needs another pass or three before I would consider using it. I have no idea whether the Master of Battle core ability is supposed to let you pick two permanent tags that apply to all your unarmed strikes or let you pick any two whenever you attack, and the improvements to it in your advanced moves only muddy the waters further. +1 piercing on its own is subsumed by +1 damage, that’s why you see +2 piercing basically everywhere. Front line fighter with d6 damage. And so on.
James Etheridge James, I’d like to thank you for purchasing the class.
To respond to your first point, the tags are not permanent. Perhaps the wording was unclear, but that was intent behind “when you attack unharmed, you may apply up to two.” With one of the advanced moves, it is later increased to up to three. Picking additional tags add to your repertoire.
To respond to your second point, I hadn’t thought about it from that perspective and will update it to reflect it.
To respond to your last point, the d6 was a reflection on how damage dice worked for old-school monks. They often started rather low as a reflection on the unarmed nature of the strike. They, over time, grew which is why increases to your damage die are offered as advanced moves. Having the damage die at a d6 also helps with one of the types of mystic that can be built with the class: the build that focuses more on spirituality than combat.
I noticed you ended your comment with “and so on.” Would it be rude if I asked you to elaborate? I want to provide the best product possible and any comments are appreciated.
Once again, thank you for purchasing the class.
Tim Franzke I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your comment. Could you explain what this means? I simply don’t follow.
sub = i want to get notifications when someone posts in this discussion.
Tim Franzke
I see. Sorry for asking. I don’t use google plus too often.
people also sometimes just post a full stop like so: .
to do the same thing.
On a related note, i usually don’t buy single DW classes; especially when they don’t offer a preview of how the class will work. I think I am not the only one since the class quality is a bit all over the place over on drivethru.
It’s not rude at all to ask for my opinion, sir. As you’ve asked for my feedback, I’ll give you a detailed analysis of the class soon. My work week dawns, and I labor under it even now, but I’ll make as much haste as circumstance and disposition allow. Read “soon” as being on the order of days rather than hours and you will avoid disappointment.
I’m kind of with you, Tim, but I spend more than the cost of the average playbook for a gas station chili dog and soda, so I figure it’s a fair risk. Exposes me to novel mechanics at times, which helps as either good or bad examples as the case may be.
Previews are still appreciated, naturally.
Your comments on the lack of the preview are appreciated. It took a bit of work as I am not the most experienced with DTRPG, but the product now has a preview for the first page of the document. So, sans gear, you could even play a Lv 1 Mystic before buying the product to “test run it.”
cool, thank you.
I… would have preferred a less “look at me, I’m basically naked” image. I mean, how does that halter even stay on?
Mike Pureka Magic.
When you use magic to keep your halter on, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the halter stays on. *On a 7-9, the halter doesn’t quite stay on, but it doesn’t quite fall off either.
Indeed; Nonetheless, it would be a bit more inclusive with a little more clothing.
Mike Pureka I understand your concerns. I, too, often complain about the lack of sensible female art in fantasy games.
That said, the art that was chosen was from a set of pieces I could use commercially. Of the set I had available, this piece seemed the most thematic for the class.
Perhaps I was too focused on finding one that fit the concept, that I missed it was a bit revealing. In the future, I will keep this in the forefront of my mind and look for more inclusive pieces I can use.
It might just be me but this class does not scream mystic to me. Speaking every language is not enough.
Tim Franzke Thank you for taking a look at the class.
The name of the class, Mystic, comes from the old name for the Monk class. Monks, however, have a few different archetypes they fit such as those who strive for power, those who strive for spirituality, etc.
The Elf racial move (or Phoneix style in the new school version) focuses more on the spiritual side through its connection to nature.
As advancements, you can gain access to Chi, gain the ability to alter people’s mind and body through use of pressure points, remove your presence, overcome aging and the need to feed, and free your mind of doubt and indecision.
In other words, they can be grown more and more into that niche as they advance. They can also, instead, focus more on damage and physical pursuits, become a teacher, walk a dark path, among other things.
M’kay, as promised here’s my feedback. I’ve left it open for comments, but as much as I like workshopping this is realistically at least 90% of the feedback that you’re likely to ever get from me on the class, as I have other projects to work with. In any event, I hope it’s useful.
Standard boilerplate: I’ve focused on the negatives and things that need improving, because I think that will be more helpful, and I favor candor over tact when it comes to feedback. I know you’ve put work into the class, so try to take any harsh language in the helpful spirit it is intended.
There has been some alterations to the product. Those who have previously purchased the product will have already received an email about this, but I felt need to reprint this here:
*The name has been changed from “The Mystic” to “The Monk” in response to confusion. The original title referred to the older name used for the archetype in RPGs.
*Due to complaints about the cover image, it has been removed.
*Master of Battle has been altered for clarity in use.
*Master of Acrobatics has been altered.
*Master of the Gentle Touch has been altered for clarity.
*Master of Chi has been altered for balance.
*Grandmaster of Chi has been altered for expanded use.
*Grandmaster of a Dark Path has been altered for balance.
*Master of a Dark Path now explains the effects of Bloodweed and Serpent’s Tear.
*The damage die has been increased from a d6 to a d8.
The product is currently, but will be up soon.
I’d like to thank everyone who purchased the product. I’d like to apologize for the issues experienced and will take the lessons learned from this to future releases.