Have you ever said these things in a game of Dungeon World?

Have you ever said these things in a game of Dungeon World?

Have you ever said these things in a game of Dungeon World?

1. Over a while, all of you starting to feel hungry. (While people still have rations)

2. Your torches start to flicker and will go out soon.

3. You take -1 ongoing because of encumberance, right?

4. So how does your camp look like? How do you make camp exactly?

5. What kind of food are your rations?

6. Sure! Roll to recruit?

7. So what do you do with your 3 weeks downtime? (Or similar)

Just wondering.

14 thoughts on “Have you ever said these things in a game of Dungeon World?”

  1. I’ve asked about downtime to fill in their adventures between two sessions. I don’t generally ask book-keeping types of questions, though.

    I don’t really see Dungeon World as a resource management game.

  2. The first and only time I have worried about rations specifically [at least so far] was when the players entered a desert landscape and I wanted the threat of survival to be real. I wouldn’t be as worried if they returned to town, but in the wilderness, survival from the elements still matters. I definitely like to include resource management somewhat, even if it is not a great impact on the adventure. It is there for a reason after all. I think I may steal the flickering torches idea though.

  3. I was going to rewrite all of these, but, the answer is straightforward: No.

    I’d have torches flicker due to wind (explained or unexplained), the PCs get sick of rations, encumbrance hurts, and such. 

    I care more about the characters emotions, and their relationships, that much anything else.

    But, you know that.

  4. 4, 5, and 7 yes. 6 sort-of… They recruited off screen before play began.

    I find that an adventurer’s life normally ensures they’re making camp well before I’d say “you’re getting hungry.” So no to 1.

    And the long-running games I’ve had consistently included two casters with the light spell. Thus no to 2.

    Never had anyone act ongoing while encumbered. They’ve always treated Load ASAP carrying capacity.

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