I developed these classes for my group and we play tested them pretty well. My group liked them but chose to go back to the Full L5R experience. I’m linking them here in case others want to use them or use them as inspiration.
The Sheets are:
Great Clans – Bushi
Great Clans – Courtiers
Great Clans – Shugenja
It also contains the basic moves, a new dueling basic move, the followers sheets I found on G+ (Which are awesome but not mine).
The Iajutsu rules have no fictional positioning; they’re just dice rolls. Is this intentional? Who wins a PVP duel where both people deal the same damage?
The narrate is how you get there. The duel itself is all mechanics, unless you want to get in Wushu mechanics of describing every little furrowing brow and drop of sweat.
Nicole Goci
Why does the Full Defence stance not give bonuses to DEFEND?
What does
“You may change stances each round freely.”
Tim has a point; almost every Samurai class is “you get a +1 when you X” instead of “You have this narrative permission.”
Consider what being a Samurai MEANS: Your power over others, your reputation, etc. The Courtiers have a better sense of this.