Question: Is there a class out there based solely on advancing and evolving the basic moves?

Question: Is there a class out there based solely on advancing and evolving the basic moves?

Question: Is there a class out there based solely on advancing and evolving the basic moves?

It may have little going for it, as far as fiction is concerned, but it would be interesting to see a solid, generalist adventurer with no special or signature moves to themselves.

7 thoughts on “Question: Is there a class out there based solely on advancing and evolving the basic moves?”

  1. I’ve never seen one, but that sounds like it could be a jack-of-all-trades done right to me. There are all these various upgrades to basic moves scattered across the playbooks, both core and third-party. Mixing a bunch of those together and making a playbook out of it could be a pretty cool project.

    Also, maybe consider how Urban Shadows does it? That game has advanced versions of all the basic moves, with special effects that happen on a 12+. These advanced versions are the same for everyone, but the different playbooks have different means of unlocking them. You could maybe have the same thing for DW’s basic moves, with upgrades for each one listed on a third page and advances which let you pick a couple of options and unlock them.

    If nothing else, this might make a good specialty / compendium class.

  2. Delos Adamski I’m not fond of the Volley and Hack and Slash entries. Extra damage is functional, but frankly boring as far as it goes; I’m more a fan of flexible added fictional effects, like you have for Defy Danger. The Fighter and Barbarian have pretty good takes on H&S, not sure about Volley.

    The rest, and the general implementation method, look pretty solid. Kinda makes some existing advanced moves redundant, but this is clearly an alternative to those so it’s fine.

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