Planning to play this weekend. Is there a way to print out the character sheets and handouts individually, so that I don’t get a whole bunch of classes that I’m not gonna end up using immediately? Please and thank you.
Planning to play this weekend.
Planning to play this weekend.
I often have to do this to replace used classes at cons. I just use the printer settings to print pages “3-4, 7-8, 13-16, 19-20” (for example).
Print >> change Pages to print to specific pages or range.
(The field name might be different depending on your PDF reader/version, but it’ll have something like that.)
Check on your PDF for the page numbers of the playbooks you want to print up. When you’re on your print options menu (Should come up if you hit print from the File selector rather than the print button on the main screen) tell the printer what pages you want.
Thanks! Hadn’t thought of that!
I swear we all must have been writing that as soon as your message appeared
Seriously, though, you guys are awesome! Now I can just print 8 pages instead of all 30!
If you want to go one step further, you can download CUTEpdf for free online – that allows you to print things to a seperate PDF file… so you could simply sit there and seperate out all of the character classes you’ve gotten acsess to into seperate files for easier acsess in the future
that sounds a bit too much…
Depends how often you print off sheets
My two bits –
1)death happens in DW – doesn’t hurt to have an extra copy of each playbook available, if you have the time and resources to get em printed up.
2) it really helps to have plenty of copies of the basic/special moves, so that players can have their own copies. Especially when they roll a 10+ to discern realities!
you can also break the original PDF up into a separate PDF for each class, and then print that way.