What is the largest damage die, or damage equation, that you have presented in a battle as a GM against players, and…

What is the largest damage die, or damage equation, that you have presented in a battle as a GM against players, and…

What is the largest damage die, or damage equation, that you have presented in a battle as a GM against players, and what was the situation? Best of 2d10 armor negating? d10+5?

5 thoughts on “What is the largest damage die, or damage equation, that you have presented in a battle as a GM against players, and…”

  1. In a low tech world facing hi tech invaders for the first time, I threw 2 riflemen in a mix of other mooks. D20 ignores armor and the desired effect was achieved. The band of 4 lvl 2 PCs triumphed but it put the fear in them. Not even so much that they took a ton of damage, but seeing that big ol’ die ignoring armor definitely made an impression that carried forward and informed their future actions in the fiction. 

  2. Hit my guys with a fallen angel’s b[2d10]+4 ignore armor last night. Really inspired the party to play it safe! (The druid turned into a monkey to climb all over its body to defy that danger, was awesome.)

  3. I think the biggest I’ve done was a d10, nothing special. On the other hand, that was NCFOK, where the largest possible HP pool is 11 and the lowest is dying during character creation.

    I’m pretty sure I did d10 for cannonfire once, too, but that was vanilla. In retrospect it perhaps could have been bigger, but I didn’t really know what I was doing; before one of the players pointed out the general damage guidelines rules, I was trying to stat cannons as a monster that hunted in packs and jeeeeez what was I doing…

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