I wonder how easy would it be to use those old basic D&D modules as a GUIDE to run as an adventure in DW? Not word for word (Leave blank spaces)… just as a basic guide.
I wonder how easy would it be to use those old basic D&D modules as a GUIDE to run as an adventure in DW?
I wonder how easy would it be to use those old basic D&D modules as a GUIDE to run as an adventure in DW?
Very very easy. Nearly all of my Dungeon World games have been more or less from existing fantasy adventure modules.
Thinking of starting with B1 Into the Unknown. Then I’ve always loved the Giant modules.
That’s a great choice for DW. It’s like the definition of “draw maps, leave blanks.”
I used the original Ravenloft module. It was not as good as improv, but that may be just me.
I also thought about using S1 Tomb of Horrors (?). But I thought the traps and the Lich at the end might be a bit much. Maybe after we all get the hang of the game.
Dwellers of the Forbidden City, I think it was I1, makes for a fantastic DW adventure. Awesome location, lots of factions and NPC’s and no real plot-arcs. Its less of an adventure and more of a micro-sandbox filled with adventure potential.
One of the DW campaigns I am running does this. We are doing secret of bone hill right now, very easy, just use the material as your starting point. The rumours in that one were great fun.
I’ve had great success, especially after I allowed myself to change the content of the module on the fly to suit the game at hand.