Hi All!
Streetrat Games just published the Shadow Hunter.
“You are very different from other people. You don’t know why fate, the gods, or maybe a malicious spirit cursed you like this. You were born with darkness in your blood, you can mould it to your will. It is your very flesh and bones.
You are the Shadow Hunter.”
This guy hunts in the shadows. He IS the shadows. When he Dances with Shadows he is almost invincible, but when he returns to material substance he is vulnerable.
So stay in the shadows. Don’t be seen. Attack without warning and disappear again. Don’t be caught in the flesh!
Do you realize that this class has 8 starting moves?
Also it seems like the best combat tactic for this character would be to Dance with Shadows, spend all their hold to deal damage and then dance with shadows again until they are out of shadow essence?
Then they retreat or wait until they have regained shadow essence to do that again.
Shadow Flesh might not even be needed most of the time since what physical source is even able to damage you?
As for the 8 starting moves: It is to define what the character can do. Dark vision, invisibility in shadows (that fails even if a match casts direct light on her) define the character, so we felt it should be staring moves. Watcher and Forgotten Knowledge are not compelling choices as advanced moves, so the decision had to be made to scrap them or make them default.
It is very difficult to hit her while in Dance with Shadows.
1) she gets only 3 shadow essence per combat, and mostly rolls 7-9: So on the starting move, she has only 3 to 9 holds to spend, where 9 would be VERY rare. A GM should not allow the player to stay out of combat long enough to regain Shadow Essence. That would break the mana system
2) She only has 4+Constitution hit points, same as a Core Wizard.
3) She has no damage reduction in a Dance with Shadows.
4) When hold is spent after moving into combat, she is very vulnerable, because of her low hit points.
So what usually happens is she jumps into combat, fails a roll, is revealed and is then whacked by the monster.
We have playtested this class over a full campaign, and did not find her to be OP.
Hopefully others will have the same experience.
The GM is not one to allow or not allow anyone anything – especially doing their thing. That is not the job of the GM.
If your class requires GM intervention there is something wrong there.
The move states:
_Shadow Essence
You were born with the ability to manipulate darkness.
When you are at peace for a few minutes and you focus on the power within you, lose all your Shadow Essence and gain 3 Shadow Essence._
Peace for a few minutes? The move as written simply does not allow the player to retreat from combat, regain shadow essence and then rejoin the same combat again. If the GM allows it he is not following the move as written… We thought it was quite clear – but thanks for the note, I will change the wording to make it even more clear!
I appreciate the comment!
But shouldn’t the combat be over after you shadow danced 3 times? You even get a crossbow to stay out of trouble if needed.
When his shadow essence is spent he is on par with the thief or ranger, but without backstab, poison, called shot or animal companion.
Disappearing into the shadows is always an option – but monster with sources of direct light are also always available.
That said, once he gains sixth level he becomes pretty powerful. The Shadow Sword is quite awesome on its own. But then most purely combat characters are killing machines on the higher levels.
Remember this class has no supportive skills. He is a highly skilled assassin. A killer. Nothing else. So he has to be able to compete with the core fighter.
I have updated the file, and changed the “Shadow Essence” move to “When you are at peace for ten minutes or so and you focus on the power within you,…” according to your suggestion, Tim. I believe no-one will now be able to think the character can leave combat and return to the same combat after having his mana replenished.
Thanks again for the comment!
About the playbook graphic. It’s a minor annoyance, however should be better to have the “main” die face showing the 8, not the 5. Easier to recognize, also you could remove the “d8” word on the left.
You’re right. I’ll see if I can change it.
If you have the original die picture, I can change it easily.
Thanks… I’ll do it in Inkscape!
Lol Inkscape is for babbys.
Inkscape rulez
Illuztr8or ftw lol