I’m working on a custom class and would love to get some input.

I’m working on a custom class and would love to get some input.

I’m working on a custom class and would love to get some input. She’s a martial magic user who causes chemical/magical change to things she touches.  The monk from Diablo 3 is a very good example of what I want to create with this class.  

For example: In combat she might strike an enemy several times, each strike passing along a piece of an arcane transmogrification turning her foe into a living bomb that detonates at the end of the round (or when it runs out of hitpoints).  

What I need is help with a name.  I could go with Monk but it’s been taken (a few times) so I thought something a bit more arcane might work.  

I’m thinking Haptist (from the word haptic, relating to the sense of touch) since a slight touch from her is just as deadly as a to-the-death beating.


13 thoughts on “I’m working on a custom class and would love to get some input.”

  1. Round as in the abstract amount of time that naturally occurs when most or all of the party has had a chance to contribute to the current narrative moment.  

  2. “End of round” is meant to illustrate that it wouldn’t happen immediately but it would happen before the enemy had a chance to actually do something.  

  3. If you post some example moves for this class people will have some solid content to comment on.

    At this point, folk are only able to talk to differences between narrative games like DW and more mechanical games that use ’rounds’ & etc.

    The latter won’t help if you are already clear on the difference, and if you aren’t the explaining will be easier with an example.

    There are plenty of places that will discuss how DW is different to d&d, for example:


  4. I’ll definitely come back when I’ve got something more solid.  

    I’m not sure how you guys run the game but everytime I’ve played and GM’ed DW there has always been pretty clear ’rounds’ to the combat.  Instances of narrative where each player and npc in the scene have acted or reacted.  I realize it’s not exactly the correct term to use but I’m not sure how else to describe that particular period of time.  

    For example, I played Dungeon World at SDCC with some of the guys showing off Edge of the Empire and one of them was casting a ritual spell, rolled an 8 and the downside the GM let him choose was to have the spell take an additional ’round’ before he could finish it.  

    IDK, it makes sense to me.  

    But regardless, I’m bummed that everyone  seems exclusively focused on the terminology I used to describe a mechanic rather than the concept (however shallow) I presented.

  5. I’m not really too fussed by terminology.

    To be honest, if y’all want to use rounds, or even initiative for that matter, then go crazy.

    Transmogrification Bomb sounds cool, so I’d live to see what you have by way of a move and how you think about implementing it gamewise.

  6. The problem is that wordings like “before they can act again” don’t work because the enemy is always acting and moving. “Before they make their next move” doesn’t work either as it isn’t a fictional thing.

    The only thing you could do is “after a minute or so” but time is hard to track in DW.

  7. How would you word it Tim Franzke? I want the haptist to be able to choose between having the explosion occur almost immediately (end of “round”) or having the creature explode after a certain period of time (player calls it out)

  8. “when you turn a creature or thing into a living bomb by touching it, roll X. on a 10+ choose 2. on a 7-9 choose 1. on a 6-, things go bad fast.

    – the explosion doesn’t destroy the environment

    -the party is unaffected by the blast”


    when you touch a foe and channel your powers to change it’s nature tell the gm what change you are trying to effect and roll X.  on a 10+ you succeed. on a 7-9 you succeed but expose yourself or an ally to great hazard. on a 6- you may or may-not succeed at the gm’s choice but your action brings ruin to you and all you care for.  

    both of these are worded in such a way as to remove the “end of round” idea.  if you succeed then you- the player. have the narrative control over what happens when.  if you fail the gm has the narrative control.  so if you succeed then you can say that your victim stumbles out of range before blowing up. if you fail the gm can say he explodes in your face and the roof falls down on-top of you. that is dungeon world

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