


Here is a preview of the new manuals that will be relased tomorrow, as usual posted with the sole goal of boasting Italian coolness.

The are A5 format (approx 15X21cm) to better sit on your gaming table without eating too much space, they are soft cover with foldable wings to increment durability and they have both been cut out adress-book style to allow for a quick and pratical content search.

The paper is an experiment, copied by japanese publications, soft, lucid, very white and beautiful, but with an high density (allegedly increasing durability). The Dungeon Wolrd manual weights the best part of a kilogram!

They are manuals thought to be pratical and usable.

I cannot wait this evening to have those two bad boys in my fatty hands.

Originally shared by Michele Gelli

Finalmente nelle mie mani. Morbidi come pennelli. Bellissimi. 

Un paio di curiositò: 

* la rubricatura è una finitura che aggiunge veramente una marcia in più ai libri. Lo sapevo ma non credevo così tanto

* la carta è una patinata lucida meravigliosa che pesa come il piombo. Un Dungeon World seconda edizione pesa 970 grammi (un kg tondo tondo senza rubricatura). Quello che si dice un manuale “di peso”…

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