So I had a question for everyone. I was looking around for Dungeon World add-ons and found one called “Class Warfare” by Johnstone Metzger. When I tried to get any additional information on it other than the download link, nothing came up, like it doesn’t even really exist. Has anyone seen this thing? It’s a pdf with a huge bunch of character options and I was wondering if anyone has played with it. I’m curious to know if it was balanced and whatnot because it seems to be in play-testing still.
So I had a question for everyone.
So I had a question for everyone.
Here’s an easier way to answer your question: Johnstone Metzger !
Yeah, it’s done (as you saw on my post). I’m just waiting for the print proof from DriveThruRPG to turn out good and then it’ll go on sale. So, basically before the end of October (fingers crossed).
I hope it’s ready that soon! There was an insane amount of great content in that pdf I found so I can’t wait to buy a copy!