Does anyone have any thoughts on The Slave-Pit of Drazhu demo game?
I’ve never played an RPG before but I’ll be GM’ing a game of Dungeon World with a group who has also never played an RPG. Probably not an ideal first but I’m going to give it my best shot. Since we are all new, I thought the demo might be a good introduction, but maybe it isn’t necessary? Or just not a good intro? Interested to hear what you all think.
I ran this one for a bunch of new players and it is great. Just enough direction to keep things moving but enough “blank space” to adapt it to the group you have.
I never ran it, but it seems like the perfect start: you have an easy to grasp situation with a goal for the players to work towards. Also, it can be played in a couple of hours, and there’s plenty to do later should you and your players feel like continuing the story.
If you follow the rules, there’s no reason why it should not work. Just remember it’s ok to make mistakes
It’s great! I actually blogged about running it if you are interested:
Casey McKenzie As a first time GM this past Friday night, I ran Servants of the Cinder Queen. We enjoyed the theme and we started with the InMediaRes opening, which puts the heroes right in the thick of it. Jeremy Frantz I had prepped for Slave Pits, but the players already had a desire to roll up characters, so that quashed the slave pit character setup. Either way, fun was had, though I struggled with reading player narrative into moves and using GM Moves. I did have the players map things out, but I struggled then with tracking their position. Overall they commented positively on the experience and liked the DW mechanics. Have fun with it!
Drazhu is the best intro to DW so far. I have run it at least four times.
Drazhu is a great starter, I managed to get enough hooks out of that one session to run two years worth of campaign (they awoke the sleeping god by accident). However my personal preference is to run the Indigo Galleon –
Drazhu is great and perfect for a one shot. I think Jason wrote it for 2-3 hour con sessions. I used it for my first DW game and it fit the bill perfectly.
Thanks everyone!