Taverners! Here’s a final, PDFd up version of the Doctor Who-ish module I wrote some time ago. Read, use and dismantle at will.
Originally shared by Eric Nieudan
I took some time to make a half-decent PDF of my Dungeon World nod to Doctor Who, Adventures in Planes and Time.
Anyone run this? I think the game could best played by starting in a meta game where the you ask characters how the time lord contacted them vs. role playing it out. Then I would off the time lord quickly and let the players figure out what they do with a time tower and an infectious time disease. Make the front log for impending doom and see what happens. Also meta game the bonds that the folks have. Could be a real blast. I wouldn’t use for the family game but would love to try with OD&D DW mashup.
Peace, Steve
Good ideas, Steven. I came up with the tower idea to borrow characters from ongoing adventures, but brainstorming the pickup would work better if you start from scratch.
When I ran it, I got rid of the chronomancer in the first half hour. Much more fun to let the players run wild 🙂
Let me know how it goes if you get a chance to run it!