Does anyone have the flavor text for a barbarian class? I have searched everywhere I can think of, but only find the mechanical rules for the barbarian.
Does anyone have the flavor text for a barbarian class?
Does anyone have the flavor text for a barbarian class?
I can write some up if you can’t find anything promising. What were you thinking?
Well played, Andrew Murphy , well played.
I started a new campaign last night. Most of my players have not role played in 20+ years, and one of my players absolutely needed to play a barbarian. She is having a very hard time with an “world building” questions, and so I want to give her 2-4 paragraphs of what it is like to be a barbarian…. similar to what the DW book has for all the other classes. Something with some edge to it, and some demands to be big and bold. I am pretty sure she has already read most or all of Conan, but something a little more focused and connected to the DW flavor would be great.
Here is a quick shot inspired by the movie:
Savage. Despoiler. Ravager. Barbarian. You’ve been called them all and worse. Feasting Halls and elegant balls are not your domain. The raging bonfire, the roasting boar, the taste of bitter grog fills your senses with life and glory. The spilt blood of others is the only red carpet you will tread. Others work for their living, you come to take for yours. Your heart is on fire with the next battle, the next challenger for you to crush under your heel. Let their women lament their failures, you only want to see your foes driven before you.
What is the riddle of steel?
“The spilt blood of others is the only red carpet you will tread.”
shudder That is awesome.