I’m looking for 2-4 players for a game of World of Dirty Dungeons!

I’m looking for 2-4 players for a game of World of Dirty Dungeons!

Originally shared by Michael Prescott

I’m looking for 2-4 players for a game of World of Dirty Dungeons!  I’d like to try out two things one, Dirty Dungeons (see link), where the adventure begins with players ‘researching’ the dungeon.

c.f. blog.trilemma.com/2014/08/dirty-hex-crawl.html

We’ll use World of Dungeons (it’s like DW stripped down to a single move), but with a simple encumbrance/burden/vigilance system I want to playtest.


Please Bring:

A sound-checked headset and a curious or creative spirit!


There may be game mechanics wood shavings underfoot!

I’ve run zillions of Skype sessions, but this’ll be my first time running a Hangout session.


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