My homemade sheet for my character in Joseph Madigan’s currently nameless DW game. I still need to do additional…

My homemade sheet for my character in Joseph Madigan’s currently nameless DW game. I still need to do additional…

My homemade sheet for my character in Joseph Madigan’s currently nameless DW game. I still need to do additional pages to list vestige info and to account for advanced moves, assuming we live long enough to level up.

Binder class by John Jessop is found here:

Jesper Ejsing did the original character art, I altered it with science (and Adobe Photoshop)

20 thoughts on “My homemade sheet for my character in Joseph Madigan’s currently nameless DW game. I still need to do additional…”

  1. Roland P I think there are several “blank” sheets available, and I am hoping that the new sheets that Sage LaTorra teased the other day might include a generic blank as well.

    This is just copy/paste from the original document into Illustrator and a bunch of fiddling around. I’m already signed up to make one for my wife’s Thief, but after that I may see if I can rig up an editable PDF to share, if there’s interest.

  2. Our plan for the new sheets is to make the raw files available to everyone, which unfortunately still means you need some sort of Adobe software (I think we’re in Illustrator right now) to make your own.

    “Blank” sheets are tough because a lot of what makes the sheet a sheet you can’t easily include in a blank, fonts and the like.

  3. Nope, probably Illustrator or InDesign. Adobe Reader doesn’t allow much editing, and Adobe Acrobat is a little better but chokes on editing a lot of text and formatting.

  4. The Binder is awesome! A character who’s willing to take in wayward souls (often terrible or monstrous) out of the cold Aether, giving them a home inside his body…. that’s a GM’s best friend 🙂

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