Playing in Mike Beacom ‘s DW campaign and we’re apart of a reality show being broadcast to a local town via these…

Playing in Mike Beacom ‘s DW campaign and we’re apart of a reality show being broadcast to a local town via these…

Playing in Mike Beacom ‘s DW campaign and we’re apart of a reality show being broadcast to a local town via these magic crystal scrying orbs attached to each of the 4 teams. I made a 2 minute “recap” audio for a bunch of guests who came to play last night and wanted to share with the DW group. We’re team Wyld Stallions!

3 thoughts on “Playing in Mike Beacom ‘s DW campaign and we’re apart of a reality show being broadcast to a local town via these…”

  1. Thanks for doing this Johnny Voruz  The group loved it and I think everyone had a blast. Can’t wait for the next play session and (if you have the time and inclination) recap!

  2. John Campbell

    Wow! Yeah, similar and totally a coincidence. My wife and I tried out and made it pretty far in the selection process for The Amazing Race show back when it first came out and I loved the format of those shows. I thought it would be fun to spoof them in our DW mini campaign. And it really took on a life of its own in the RP at the table, where I ad-libbed that the wizard doing the competition sent scrying orbs with each team to monitor the progress. Then it just struck me that perhaps he could pipe the feed to the local tavern where the pub crowds could watch and wager. And then it just ballooned from there with awesome as the players started hamming up to the cameras and making jokes for the “audience”. Very funny coincidence!  Thanks for the tip, I may have to check this X-Crawl out!

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