Blade Dancer base class concept for #DungeonWorld, inspired by one of my upcoming player’s desires to play a “bravo” characters. The fighter was too beefy and the thief was too poisonous. Dancer base class concept for #DungeonWorld, inspired by one of my upcoming player’s desires to play a “bravo”…
Blade Dancer base class concept for #DungeonWorld, inspired by one of my upcoming player’s desires to play a “bravo”…
I like it! The Chandelier Move needs more options.
I was thinking about that; some of the other options I toyed with were:
* Your trick deals 1d6 damage to those caught in it.
* Your trick doesn’t hamper your allies.
I ditched the first one to keep the emphasis on mobility/manipulation over attacking. The second seemed cool but on a 7-9 you were either escaping (hindering your allies), staying put (hindering everyone), or staying put (hindering no one), which all seemed like unfun choices. Other thoughts would be welcome.
I also want to add another “strategem” move that lets you use your battlefield expertise to give your allies tactical advice, similar to the wizard’s know-it-all.
Wow, this is fracking amazing. I was expecting an Elven blade singer class, but I was met with a Syrio/Arya fighter/bravo type instead. (You might consider changing the name to the Bravo.). [edit: heh, retrospectively I noticed that you did comment on the Bravo piece, but it didn’t lick for me until I saw the adv moves]
I find the basic moves to be very evocative of the theme, it fits a unique role and the “Living legend” power allows you to basically have Multiclass dabbler — too bad the Thief doesn’t have access to it, since the “avoid defy danger for someone who doesn’t see you” option would be way overpowered!
“Ok guys, here’s the plan”
Replaces Tactics
Before you enter combat against adversaries you have faced before, you may share advice with your allies. If they act on it against a specific enemy you have fought before in single combat, they have +1 ongoing for pertinent actions and you gain +1 XP. If they act on it against a group of monsters you have fought before, they gain 2 piercing for pertinent actions.
“Dance Out of the Way of Danger” is awesome but the name seems wordy. Perhaps “Dance Away From Danger” or “Dance From Danger”
I like the theme very much.
Latest round of (heavy) updates posted, after working through the class with my friend whose idea it was.
We’ve also now played DW properly, so we had a better idea of how the mechanics work in actual play.
Feedback would be welcome!