So I’ve been thinking about how, as a GM, I can have my monsters prepared ahead of time for easy reference.
I created a few monsters for this week’s game, and use my Nexux tablet to scroll through them whenever I need access to the stats.
The “casting cost” is simply the Armor they have (in the example below, the lich has 5 Armor).
My question and/or advice is this: can anyone help me with a better, easier stat block layout? Also, since I’m playing online, should I show my players the image of the creature(s) as they’re battling? I remember reading an article once (I forget where) that suggested the GM show the players the creature’s stats, including the To Hit, AC, and Hit Points. Maybe this can be a good visual to share with the players?
I appreciate your thoughts and suggestions!
Great idea.
I assumed that this information wouldn’t be for the characters though – as if I remember correctly the fighter has a move to know how much damage creatures do?
This is awesome. But don’t show the stats & moves to the players. At the very least, hide the moves (remember: “never speak the name your move”).
What are you using to create this? How much flexibility do you have on what goes where?
Assuming no limitations, I would:
– Replace “Creature – Lich” with the monster tags (e.g. “Solitary, Magical, Intelligent”
– Move the attack tags (near, far) to come inline with the the attack (Magical force)
– But both HP/Armor at the bottom right (e.g. 16HP/5Armor or just 16/5)
– Move instinct to where “Near, Far” is
I can’t come up with any awesome ideas for the mana symbols/casting cost. Using it for armor feels very counter-intuitive to me. Maybe in your world there’s some meaning behind the colors/symbols (alignment?) and number of symbols?
I did mine own DW template a while ago – you can have a sneak peak here: http://ursusludens.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/dungeon-world-karty.html (in case you would wonder the text is in Polish, the template is language-independent).
Download link for the MSE template: https://app.box.com/s/0f5ypmbqkkf9jzi56mwa
Michał Kłosowski Thanks! I will def check it out!
Jeremy Strandberg I’ll revise and make changes based on your suggestions. Thanks!