The Spell Defense move, does the wizad have to have an ongoing spell or can he still deflect an oncoming attack if he’s not maintaining one?
The Spell Defense move, does the wizad have to have an ongoing spell or can he still deflect an oncoming attack if…
The Spell Defense move, does the wizad have to have an ongoing spell or can he still deflect an oncoming attack if…
You may end any ongoing spell immediately and use the energy of its dissipation to deflect an oncoming attack. The spell ends and you subtract its level from the damage done to you.
If you don’t have an active ongoing spell, how are you ending an ongoing spell? Seems pretty clear-cut.
The wizard has to end an ongoing spell, converting its energy into a defensive force. That’s what the move in the book does anyway…
I guess you could add a custom move to let a wizard burn a ready spell for damage reduction. But most of the time, I’d rather have a 3rd-level spell at hand instead of a moment of magical armor +3. I might feel differently if the wizard had only 3 hp though.
Yup. Alex Norris nailed it. If you don’t have an active ongoing spell to end, you can’t meet the trigger to make the move.
Alex Norris it is pretty clear-cut, I’ve read it. My wizard player wanted to do it anyway (block a spell but not have one ongoing). I told him he can’t (kinda goes against the “yes, and…” of GM style that DW is promoting), he was pretty bummed out. Perhaps some GMs will allow it with a penalty, but wanted to clarify beforehand.
Michael Greene and Christopher Stone-Bush , thanks for your response and being tactful about it too. Alex Norris , your response kinda made me feel like a dumbass, which I did not appreciate.