I’m about to launch a DW campaign using the Innistrad setting from Magic: The Gathering.  The look of the setting is…

I’m about to launch a DW campaign using the Innistrad setting from Magic: The Gathering.  The look of the setting is…

I’m about to launch a DW campaign using the Innistrad setting from Magic: The Gathering.  The look of the setting is 18th c., and I’d like to introduce black powder weapons (pistols, muskets) to the game.  Has anyone done a write-up of early gunpowder weapons for DW?  It seems pretty straight forward, but I wanted to see what other people had done with the idea (I’d probably go with some new tags like reload, loud, and +1 damage).

7 thoughts on “I’m about to launch a DW campaign using the Innistrad setting from Magic: The Gathering.  The look of the setting is…”

  1. I haven’t but here are some facts about 18 c. firearms that people don’t seem to realize which could help you:

    They are super-inaccurate. People weren’t trained to aim their muskets, they were trained to “level” them at the enemy. 50 paces was considered effective range. Note that this is effective range for a 2-deep wall of 600 men to have a chance of hitting another 2-deep wall of 600 men. This is not one man firing at one man.

    Rate of fire would be slow.

    So why use them? Damage and ease of use. It’s easier to train someone to use a musket than a longbow. Muskets also do more damage when they hit, often destroying limbs.

    Hope that helps

  2. Check out my Pirates! and Bombardier playbooks on RPGNow. There is a bit of fictional disconnect with the Volley move when you “mark off ammo” but thats ok. Most people just live with it.

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