Will be running a one-shot on Sunday morning with potential to become a campaign if people can commit to the time. Usually I aim for 10am EST but this Sunday will be 9am EST. Interested parties comment below!
Will be running a one-shot on Sunday morning with potential to become a campaign if people can commit to the time.
Will be running a one-shot on Sunday morning with potential to become a campaign if people can commit to the time.
Sure as not hard for me being in US central time if room for one more.
That’d actually be a great time for me assuming you’d be patient with a beginner. I’ve read a bit about the system and I’d be interested in actually trying it.
Beginner’s area always welcome! I love when new people come to play. They always tend to bring with them, innovation.
Another newb here. Room for one more?
Excellent. Is this definite, or do you need more players?
Seems we have three if all three of you are still interested.
Most def! Sign me up!
Just to confirm, that’s 9 AM Eastern Standard Time and *not* Eastern Daylight Time. I’m in the UK; so need to clarify!
Eastern Standard, 9am, yep.
cursed time zones, thought it was eastern US. good luck all
Oh crap, I thought the same thing (I’m on the US east coast). Sorry :(.
It is eastern US… that’s why I said EST, Eastern Standard Time. East coast of the United States. GMT -5. Not in Europe or any other continent besides North America. : )
Everyone still good to go?
If eastern us, yes as in hellish central US (-6gmt).
I am available as well if you have space for a fourth.
Oh crap, if it is US, then yes. Sorry I misunderstood.
Going to have to postpone this for now guys. Wasn’t able to finish what I was doing in time. Rain checks!
Shame. Let me know if you’re running next week.
Fine by me. But I’m definitely interested, especially if we can get a campaign going. Sunday mornings are perfect for me as I work nights so it’ll be right after work for me.
Ok, just shoot a message on the when/where.
If people are at a loose end I could try running a quick World of Dungeons session. Renaissance era/horror type stuff in the vein of Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Would only last for an hour or two. Any takers?
Hi, Damian, still interested in running a DW session?
Did you postponed it until next Sunday? Andrew, still interested? I have read the rules of DW, and would like to give it a try as a player…used to play D&D about 15 years ago. I speak English as a second language (I have been living in the US for 4 years, born and raised in Chile), hope you have no problem with that… Looking forward to having a session of DW with you guys!
That would not be a problem. Let me look into this weekend’s schedule as there is a Convention I will be attending. I may postpone one more weekend or just pick a different time during the weekend. Stay tuned!
Cool, thanks. I’ll stay tuned.
Lucas MacClure Yes, still interested! Provided the scheduling works out I’ll happily play.