Just made this custom move and thought others might enjoy it:
When inventive but probably at least half-crazy gnomes build a prosthetic limb for you, it works pretty much like the original even though it is obviously artificial. By default it has the tags worn and blatant.
(Blatant: it stands out a lot, and people will tend to remember seeing it.)
Choose a look:
• Clockpunk
• Plantlike
• Crystal-and-stone
• Sleek metallic
• Cunningly carved
Choose one benefit:
• Better: it won’t break or suffer damage easily, even where a normal limb would
• Faster: when you can do something with just that one limb, you can act before others
• Stronger: if that limb can do most of the work, take +1 for Defy Danger with STR
• Subtle: remove blatant
And one limitation:
• Noisy: when you use it, it makes noise
• Needs maintenance: every time you Make Camp or stop for the night, you need to do something to maintain it, which also requires some kind of tool or gear. If you don’t, take -1 ongoing until you maintain it
• Breakable: if you put it under high stress, it may break and not work until repaired
• Clumsy: when that limb is primarily involved, take -1 ongoing to DEX
• Painful: it impinges on your body, so when that limb is primarily involved, take -1 ongoing to CON
Lmao, the wording of the first sentence of the move is enough for me to love this.
Expected a “harder” benefit.
Gotta love it!
Are you familiar with the story of the Tin Woodsman?
better, faster, stronger was of course inspired by the intro to The Six Million Dollar Man tv show.